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AuthenticationServiceClient.Login(String, String, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Boolean>>) Method

Namespace: DevExpress.ReportServer.ServiceModel.Client

Assembly: DevExpress.Printing.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Printing.Core


public void Login(
    string userName,
    string password,
    object asyncState,
    Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<bool>> onCompleted


Name Type Description
userName String

A String value, specifying the user name.

password String

A String value, specifying the password.

asyncState Object

A Object value, containing information about the asynchronous operation.

onCompleted Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Boolean>>

An action delegate containing a ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<T> object that returns a Boolean value, specifying the operation result.

See Also