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MongoDBConnectionParameters.AuthenticationInfo Property

Stores authentication information for a MongoDB instance.

Namespace: DevExpress.DataAccess.ConnectionParameters

Assembly: DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.DataAccess, DevExpress.Win.PivotGrid, DevExpress.Win.TreeMap


public MongoDBAuthenticationInfo AuthenticationInfo { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

Authentication information for a MongoDB instance.


The example below demonstrates how to use the MongoDBDataSource class to bind an application or component to a MongoDB instance. The example uses the MongoDBConnectionParameters class to specify connection parameters to the MongoDB instance, the MongoDBPasswordAuthenticationInfo class to specify connection credentials, and the MongoDBQuery class to create data queries to the Categories and Products collections of the Northwind database.

using DevExpress.DataAccess.ConnectionParameters;
using DevExpress.DataAccess.MongoDB;
// ...
var MongoDBPasswordAuthInfo = new MongoDBPasswordAuthenticationInfo(
    username: "name",
    password: "password",
    authenticationDatabase: "admin"

// Create a MongoDBConnectionParameters object and
// specify connection parameters to a MongoDB instance.
var connectionParameters = new MongoDBConnectionParameters(
    hostName: "localhost",
    isSRV: false,
    port: 27017,
    info: MongoDBPasswordAuthInfo

// Specify queries to database collections.
var queryCategories = new MongoDBQuery() {
    DatabaseName = "Northwind",
    CollectionName = "Categories",

var queryProducts = new MongoDBQuery() {
    DatabaseName = "Northwind",
    CollectionName = "Products",

// Create a MongoDBDataSource object. Assign the created connection
// parameters to the object's ConnectionParameters property. Add the
// queries to the object's Queries collection.
var mongoDBDataSource = new MongoDBDataSource() {
    ConnectionParameters = connectionParameters,
    Queries = { queryCategories, queryProducts },

// Call the Fill method of the MongoDBDataSource object to execute the
// queries and load data from the MongoDB instance.

// Use the created object as a data source in your application or component.
// ...
Imports DevExpress.DataAccess.ConnectionParameters
Imports DevExpress.DataAccess.MongoDB
' ...
Dim MongoDBPasswordAuthInfo = New MongoDBPasswordAuthenticationInfo(username:="name", password:="password", authenticationDatabase:="admin")

' Create a MongoDBConnectionParameters object and
' specify connection parameters to a MongoDB instance.
Dim connectionParameters = New MongoDBConnectionParameters(hostName:="localhost", isSRV:=False, port:=27017, info:=MongoDBPasswordAuthInfo)

' Specify queries to database collections.
Dim queryCategories = New MongoDBQuery() With {
    .DatabaseName = "Northwind",
    .CollectionName = "Categories"

Dim queryProducts = New MongoDBQuery() With {
    .DatabaseName = "Northwind",
    .CollectionName = "Products"

' Create a MongoDBDataSource object. Assign the created connection
' parameters to the object's ConnectionParameters property. Add the
' queries to the object's Queries collection.
Dim mongoDBDataSource = New MongoDBDataSource() With {
    .ConnectionParameters = connectionParameters


' Call the Fill method of the MongoDBDataSource object to execute the
' queries and load data from the MongoDB instance.

' Use the created object as a data source in your application or component.
' ...
See Also