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The 'Key expression is undefined' error occurs when you use GridViewExtension.BindToLINQ / GridViewExtension.BindToEF methods

Error Description:

This error can occur when the GridViewExtension.BindToLINQ and GridViewExtension.BindToEF methods cannot automatically recognize the key (unique) column from the TableName or QueryableSource specified at runtime.


Do the following to resolve this issue:

  • Use the GridViewExtension.BindToLINQ/GridViewExtension.BindToEF methods (MVC).

  • Specify the e.KeyExpression property.

    settings => {  
}).BindToLINQ(string.Empty, string.Empty, (s, e) => {  
    e.KeyExpression = UNIQUE_KEY_COLUMN_NAME;  
@Html.DevExpress().GridView( _  
End Sub).BindToLINQ(String.Empty, String.Empty,  
New EventHandler(Of DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs)( _  
Sub(s, e)  
        e.KeyExpression = UNIQUE_KEY_COLUMN_NAME  
End Sub)).GetHtml()