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ASPxClientDiagram.CallbackError Event

Fires on the client if any unhandled server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientDiagram.


CallbackError: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientCallbackErrorEventHandler<ASPxClientDiagram>>

#Event Data

The CallbackError event's data class is ASPxClientCallbackErrorEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
handled Gets or sets whether the event is handled and the default error handling actions are not required.
message Gets the error message that describes the server error that occurred.


The CallbackError event enables you to respond to an unhandled server error that occurs as a result of a callback. You can handle this event to perform specific client-side actions, for instance, display explanatory text or an image related to the error.

See Handling Callback Exceptions on the Client Side to learn more.

See Also