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ASPxSpellChecker.MaximumErrorCountInResponse Property

Specifies the maximum number of spelling errors found before the server sends a response to the client.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.ASPxSpellChecker

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxSpellChecker.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public int MaximumErrorCountInResponse { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Int32 100

An Int32 value specifying the number of errors.


Use the MaximumErrorCountInResponse property to increase performance while spell checking a long text with the ASPxSpellChecker control.

The server checks text spelling, and when the number of spelling mistakes reaches the value specified by the MaximumErrorCountInResponse property, the process stops and the result is sent to the client. The client can accept the suggestion or ignore it. When all suggestions are handled on the client side, the server processes another block of text until the MaximumErrorCountInResponse count of errors is reached, the client receives another batch of spelling suggestions, and so on.

Thus, the application performance is significantly increased because the server processes only a certain part of text at one time, when this part of text is actually requested by the client.

You can specify this property value directly in the ASPX page markup.

<dx:ASPxSpellChecker ID="ASPxSpellChecker1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="SpellCheckerMain" MaximumErrorCountInResponse="10">
       <dx:ASPxSpellCheckerOpenOfficeDictionary Culture="en-US" DictionaryPath="~/Dictionaries/en_US.dic" GrammarPath="~/Dictionaries/en_US.aff" />
See Also