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The 'Row not found or changed' error occurs

  • 2 minutes to read

#Error Description

When ASPxGridView is bound to LinqDataSource or LinqServerModeDataSource, the following exception can occur: “Row not found or changed”.

#Solution for LinqDataSource

Do the following to resolve this issue:

  • Set the ColumnAttribute.UpdateCheck property to Never or WhenChanged.
  • Set the LinqDataSource.StoreOriginalValueInViewState property to false.

#Solution for LinqServerModeDataSource

The issue may occur when the data source contains a field of the timestamp type. ASPxGridView cannot determine the appropriate editor for such data and does not generate a column for this field in the Columns collection. The field values are not included in the OldValues and NewValues dictionaries used in GRUID operations.

To resolve this issue, use either of the following approaches:

#Solution 1: Add a column to a grid.

  1. Add a column in the ASPxGridView and bind it to the timestamp field.
  2. Set the Column.Visible property to false to hide the column.
  3. Populate the old value of the column during CRUID operations to allow the LINQ provider to compare previous and new values (the new values are generated by the database server).
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="Grid" ... OnRowUpdating="Grid_RowUpdating" />
protected void Grid_RowUpdating(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e) {  
    e.OldValues["Version"] = (sender as ASPxGridView).GetRowValuesByKeyValue(e.Keys[0], "Version");  

#Solution 2: Remove timestamp field from a DataContext.

Open the **.dbml* DataContext file and delete the timestamp field.