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Diagram Keyboard Shortcuts

A keyboard shortcut is a set of one or more keys that allows users to execute a command. The table below lists the ASPxDiagram control’s keyboard shortcuts and corresponding commands.

Shortcut Keys Description
Ctrl+X, Shift+Delete Cuts the selected elements.
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert Copies the selected elements to the clipboard.
Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert Pastes the contents of the clipboard.
Ctrl+A Selects all elements on the diagram page.
Delete, Backspace Deletes the selected elements.
Ctrl+Z Undoes the last action.
Ctrl+Y Redoes the last undone action.
Ctrl+B Applies bold formatting to the text of the selected elements.
Ctrl+I Applies italic formatting to the text of the selected elements.
Ctrl+U Underlines the text of the selected elements.
Ctrl+Enter Finishes shape/connector text editing.
An arrow key Moves the selected elements in the specified direction.
Shift + An arrow key Moves the selected elements one grid cell in the specified direction.
Ctrl + An arrow key Moves the selected elements one pixel in the specified direction.
Alt + An arrow key Clones the selected elements.
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Zooms into or out of a diagram page.
Space + Left Mouse Button Pans a diagram page if the ASPxDiagram control is focused.
F11 Switches to full screen.