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BootstrapGridViewBuilderBase<T> Methods
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Serves as the base class that implements the main functionality of Grid View.
Name Description
Bind(Object) Binds the control to the specified data source.
BindToLINQ(IQueryable) Binds the Grid View to a queryable data source on the server mode.
BindToXPO(Session, Type) Establishes a server-mode data binding via DevExpress eXpress Persistent Objects for .NET (XPO) ORM.
BindToXPO<TEntity>(XPQuery<TEntity>) Establishes a server-mode data binding via DevExpress eXpress Persistent Objects for .NET (XPO) ORM.
Caption(String) Sets the text to render in the GridView’s HTML caption element.
ClientSideEvents(Action<BootstrapGridViewClientSideEventsBuilder>) Lists the client-side events specific to the control.
ClientVisible(Boolean) Sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of a web control on the client.
Columns(Action<BootstrapGridViewColumnCollectionBuilder>) Provides access to the Grid View column collection.
CssClasses(Action<BootstrapGridViewCssClassesBuilder>) Provides access to CSS classes applied to the control’s visual elements.
CssClassesEditor(Action<BootstrapGridViewEditorCssClassesBuilder>) Provides access to CSS classes applied to visual elements of cell editors.
CssClassesFormLayout(Action<BootstrapGridViewFormLayoutCssClassesBuilder>) Provides access to CSS classes applied to the Edit Form’s visual elements.
CssClassesPager(Action<BootstrapGridViewPagerCssClassesBuilder>) Provides access to CSS classes applied to the pager’s visual elements.
EnableCallbackAnimation(Boolean) Sets a value that specifies whether a specific animation effect is used when a control’s content is updated via a callback.
EnableCallbackCompression(Boolean) Sets whether callback compression is enabled.
Enabled(Boolean) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
EnableRowsCache(Boolean) Sets whether row data caching is enabled.
EncodeHtml(Boolean) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
FormatConditions(Action<BootstrapGridViewFormatConditionCollectionBuilder>) Provides access to a collection of format condition rules.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GroupSummary(Action<BootstrapSummaryItemCollectionBuilder>) Provides access to group summary items.
Height(Int32) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
Height(String) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
KeyFieldName(String) Sets the name of the data source key field.
KeyFieldName(String[]) Sets the names of the data source key fields.
MemberwiseClone() Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Name(String) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
OnBeforeHeaderFilterFillItems(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewBeforeHeaderFilterFillItemsEventArgs>) Enables you to provide custom filter items instead of default ones displayed within a filter dropdown.
OnBeforeRender(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IEventArgs>) Enables you to perform custom actions before the control is rendered into a web page.
OnCommandButtonInitialize(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewCommandButtonEventArgs>)
OnCustomCellMerge(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewCustomCellMergeEventArgs>)
OnCustomColumnDisplayText(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs>) Enables custom display text to be provided for any cell.
OnCustomColumnGroup(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewCustomColumnSortEventArgs>) Enables you to group data using custom rules.
OnCustomColumnSort(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewCustomColumnSortEventArgs>) Enables you to sort data using custom rules.
OnCustomGroupDisplayText(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs>) Enables you to provide custom content for group rows.
OnCustomJSProperties(Action<IBootstrapGridView, ICustomJSPropertiesEventArgs>) Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client.
OnCustomPreviewDisplayText(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewPreviewDisplayTextEventArgs>) Enables you to provide custom display text for preview rows.
OnCustomSummaryCalculate(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewCustomSummaryEventArgs>)
OnCustomUnboundColumnData(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewColumnDataEventArgs>) Enables data to be supplied to unbound columns.
OnDataBinding(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IEventArgs>)
OnHeaderFilterFillItems(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewHeaderFilterEventArgs>) Enables you to add custom filter items which filter data by the current column, to ones displayed within a filter dropdown.
OnInitialized(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IEventArgs>) Enables you to perform custom actions after the control is initialized.
OnSummaryDisplayText(Action<IBootstrapGridView, IBootstrapGridViewSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs>)
PreviewEncodeHtml(Boolean) Sets a value that specifies whether the preview row’s display text containing HTML code should be parsed and rendered as a pure HTML markup or should be represented as text on a page.
PreviewFieldName(String) Sets the name of the data source field whose values are displayed within the preview rows.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Routes(Action<GridViewRouteCollectionBuilder>) Specifies a collection of routes for Grid View‘s updates or performing other Controller-side operations on demand.
Settings(Action<BootstrapGridViewSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the control’s display options.
SettingsBehavior(Action<BootstrapGridViewBehaviorSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the control’s behavior settings.
SettingsBootstrap(Action<BootstrapGridViewBootstrapSpecificSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the control’s rendering settings affecting features specific to the Bootstrap framework.
SettingsCommandButton(Action<BootstrapGridViewCommandButtonsSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the settings of the control’s command buttons.
SettingsCookies(Action<BootstrapGridViewCookiesSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the control’s cookie and layout settings.
SettingsPager(Action<BootstrapGridViewPagerSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the pager’s settings.
SettingsPopup(Action<BootstrapGridViewPopupControlSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the settings of different popup elements.
SettingsText(Action<BootstrapGridViewTextSettingsBuilder>) Provides access to the control’s text settings.
TabIndex(Int16) Sets the control’s tab index.
Templates(Action<BootstrapGridViewTemplatesBuilder>) Provides access to the templates used to display the Grid View‘s elements (cells, rows, etc.).
Toolbars(Action<BootstrapGridViewToolbarCollectionBuilder>) Provides access to the collection of the control’s toolbars.
ToolTip(String) Sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the control.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
TotalSummary(Action<BootstrapSummaryItemCollectionBuilder>) Provides access to total summary items.
Visible(Boolean) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
Width(Int32) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
Width(String) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
WriteTo(TextWriter, HtmlEncoder) Inherited from BootstrapControlBuilder<T>.
See Also