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.NET 6.0+

View.AllowEdit Property

Provides access to a collection of reason/value pairs used to make a View read-only/editable.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public BoolList AllowEdit { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A BoolList object that represents a collection of key/value elements.


The example below demonstrates how to make all Detail Views in an application read-only.

using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
// ...
public class MakeDetailViewsReadOnlyController : ViewController<DetailView> {
    protected override void OnActivated() {
        View.AllowEdit["ReadOnly"] = false;

There can be various reasons to make a View read-only or editable. So, a View has the AllowEdit collection, whose elements represent a pair of string and Boolean values. The string value specifies a reason and the Boolean value specifies whether to make the View editable for this reason. A View is considered read-only if at least one of the AllowEdit collection elements contains a false value.

The read-only state of a Detail View and List View is characterized by the following:

  • Detail View

    All Property Editors are created in read-only mode.

  • List View

    Inplace editing is not allowed.

To determine whether a View is currently read-only, use the AllowEdit property in a conditional expression. Alternatively, use the BoolList.ResultValue property of the object returned by AllowEdit.

View myView;
BoolList editableList = myView.AllowEdit;
if (editableList) {

To make an editable View read-only, use the BoolList.SetItemValue method of the BoolList object returned by this property. Pass the reason for making the View read-only as the first parameter, and false or a Boolean expression as the second parameter. Alternatively, you can use the [key] operator of the BoolList object returned by the AllowEdit property, to get or set the specified key’s value.

View myView;
BoolList editableList = myView.AllowEdit;
editableList["myKey"] = false;

To make a read-only View editable, use the BoolList.RemoveItem method of the BoolList object returned by this property. Pass the key (reason) of the item with the false value. Call this method as many times as there are items with the false value. Alternatively, you can call the BoolList.SetItemValue method by passing the key, which has false as a value, and true as a new value for it.

View myView;
BoolList editableList = myView.AllowEdit;
editableList["disablingKey"] = true;
public class MyController : ViewController {
   private void UpdateViewStateEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      View.AllowEdit.SetItemValue("CurrentUser", SecuritySystem.CurrentUser.FirstName == "Sam");
   protected override void OnActivated() {
      View.CurrentObjectChanged += UpdateViewStateEventHandler;

When a View’s read-only state is changed, the View.AllowEditChanged event is raised.

See Also