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.NET 6.0+

ExportAnalysisController.ExportAction Property

Provides access to the ExportAnalysisController‘s Export Analysis Action.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public SingleChoiceAction ExportAction { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A SingleChoiceAction object that is the Export Analysis Action.


The ExportAction is a SingleChoiceAction Action that allows end-users to export data analysis displayed in the current Detail View to various formats. This Action is contained in the ExportAnalysisController. This Controller is activated when the current Detail View includes a Detail View Item that supports the IExportableAnalysisEditor interface. The Action’s ChoiceActionBase.Items list is filled based on the Detail View Item’s IExportableAnalysisEditor.ExportTypes property.

Currently, the IExportableAnalysisEditor interface is implemented in the following XAF built-in Property Editors:

  • AnalysisEditorWin Property Editor: image
  • AnalysisEditorWeb Property Editor: image

By default, the Export Analysis Action is disabled until data is bound to the Analysis Property Editor. To bind data, use the Bind Analysis Data Action (see Pivot Chart Module Overview).

To activate the Export Analysis Action for a custom Analysis Property Editor, support the IExportableAnalysis interface in the Property Editor class’ declaration.

To determine why the Export Analysis Action is currently deactivated or disabled, use the DiagnosticInfo Action. If you need to change the Action’s “active” or “enabled” state in code, use its ActionBase.Active or ActionBase.Enabled property, respectively.

Information on the Export Action is available in the Application Model‘s ActionDesign node. To access it, use the Model Editor.

See Also