State Machine Module Overview
- 3 minutes to read
Business objects often have an associated state specified by their property values (for example, the Task object has Task.Status, which can be NotStarted, InProgress, etc.). While this state can easily be changed by modifying corresponding property values, managing state transitions in a uniform way is not that simple. This is why XAF ships with the State Machine module, which greatly simplifies state transition management.
#State Machine Capabilities
The module creates a set of Actions that correspond to state transitions and display them in corresponding Views.
With the State Machine, you can:
- define a set of states and corresponding transitions, and associate them with a business class. You can do this in code or at runtime, as the State Machine module comes with predefined Views for state and transition management. The property whose values specify different object states can be either an enumeration-typed property or a reference property;
- define Conditional Appearance rules and associate them with particular states. This can also be done both in code and at runtime.
In certain scenarios, creating a custom Controller with the Single
See Also:
In the Data
#Add the State Machine Module
#In Design Time (For .NET Framework Applications)
To use the State Machine module in your WinForms or ASP.NET Web Forms application, add it by using the Application Designer. Invoke the Application Designer and drag the StateMachineModule item from the Toolbox to the Modules panel. If you use Entity Framework, set the Module’s StateMachineStorageType property to DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF.StateMachine.StateMachine - the EF-specific class for state machines created at runtime. Be sure to rebuild your solution after making changes in the Designer.
#In Code (For .NET Applications)
To add the State Machine module to an ASP.NET Core Blazor or WinForms .NET application, install the DevExpress.ExpressApp.StateMachine
NuGet package and register the State Machine module in a platform-agnostic module (MySolution.Module):
public sealed class MySolutionModule : ModuleBase {
public MySolutionModule() {
You can add modules to your application when you use the Solution Wizard to create a new XAF solution. Select modules in the Choose Additional Modules step.
- To add an extra module in code, add it to the Xaf
Application. or ModuleModules Base. list (adding a reference to the module assembly is insufficient).Required Module Types
In .NET applications, you can call the Add
State method in your ASP.Machine <TBuilder>(IModule Builder <TBuilder>, Action <State Machine Options>) NET Core Blazor/Win Forms application builder.