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DefaultReportDesignerContainer.RegisterObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider<T>() Method

Registers a class that implements the IObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider interface to list data types in the Report Wizard and Data Source Wizard.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.Web.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Reporting.Common


public static void RegisterObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider<T>()
    where T : IObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider

Type Parameters

Name Description

The type of the class that implements the IObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider interface.


A class that implements the IObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider interface produces the list of types for the Report Wizard and Data Source Wizard. The RegisterObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider<T>() method registers this class. Call this method at the application’s start.

A registered class should provide a complete list of data types. Classes passed in previous RegisterObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider<T>() method calls are unregistered when you call this method again.

You can also use the RegisterObjectDataSourceConstructorFilterService<T>() method to register a class that filters type constructors, and the RegisterObjectDataSourceMemberFilterService<T>() method to register a class that filters type members.


The following topics describe how to implement and register the IObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider interface to display data types in the Report Wizard and Object Data Source Wizard:

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the RegisterObjectDataSourceWizardTypeProvider<T>() method.


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See Also