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XRDesignBarManager.Initialize(XRDesignPanel) Method

Performs basic initialization of the created XRDesignBarManager object, and assigns the specified Design Panel to it.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.Extensions.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Reporting


public virtual void Initialize(
    XRDesignPanel designPanel


Name Type Description
designPanel XRDesignPanel

An XRDesignPanel object which specifies the Design Panel to assign.


Use the Initialize method, to initialize the XRDesignBarManager. After an XRDesignBarManager object has been created at runtime, all its elements (toolbar buttons, menu items and status bar panels) need to be created. It’s also necessary to assign a Design Panel object to the XRDesignBarManager.XRDesignPanel property. After all the initialization has been performed, it’s possible to use XRDesignBarManager items for performing different actions on the report currently being edited in the Design Panel.


This example demonstrates how to create XRDesignPanel, XRDesignBarManager and XRDesignDockManager objects at runtime, and link them together. Note that after an XRDesignBarManager control and an XRDesignDockManager control have been created, you should call their Initialize methods, so that all their toolbars, status bars, menu items and dock panels are created, and specify the XRDesignPanel control to assign to their XRDesignPanel properties.

using DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner;
// ...

// Create an XRDesignPanel instance and add it to the current form.
XRDesignPanel designPanel = new XRDesignPanel();
designPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

// Create an XRDesignBarManager object, and 
// set the current form to be its parent form.
XRDesignBarManager barManager = new XRDesignBarManager();
barManager.Form = this;

// Create all the bar and menu items for a bar manager and
// assign it to the specified XRDesignPanel object.

// Create an XRDesignDockManager object, and
// set the current form to be its parent form.
XRDesignDockManager dockManager = new XRDesignDockManager();
dockManager.Form = this;

// Create all the dock panels for the dock manager and
// assign it to the specified XRDesignPanel object.

// Link the bar and dock managers together.
barManager.DockManager = dockManager;
See Also