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IOutlookEngine Methods

Allows you to create classes that work with Microsoft 365 calendars.
Name Description
DeleteEvent(String) Deletes the specified event from the calendar.
GetAllEventsFromCalendarAsync(String, Int32) Returns a task that obtains all events from the specified calendar.
GetCalendarsAsync(Int32) Returns a task that obtains available user calendars.
GetCalendarViewAsync(String, DateTime, DateTime, Int32) Returns a task that obtains events displayed in the calendar for the specified date range.
GetOccurrencesFromTemplateAsync(String, DateTime, DateTime, Int32) Returns a task that obtains event occurrences for the specified date range.
InsertEvent(ref Event, String) Adds the specified event to the calendar.
TryUpdateEvent(ref Event, String) Tries to update the specified event in the calendar.
See Also