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RichEditControl.PopupMenuShowing Event

Occurs before a context (popup) menu is created for the control’s document every time a context menu is being invoked.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.PivotGrid, DevExpress.Win.RichEdit, DevExpress.Win.TreeMap


public event PopupMenuShowingEventHandler PopupMenuShowing

Event Data

The PopupMenuShowing event's data class is PopupMenuShowingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Menu Gets or sets the popup (context) menu for which this event was raised.
MenuType Gets a visual element for which the popup menu is invoked.


Handle the PopupMenuShowing event to modify items in the context menu. The current context menu can be accessed via the PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.Menu property.


This example demonstrates how to handle the RichEditControl.PopupMenuShowing event to customize the RichEditControl‘s context menu. You can remove and disable the existing items, and add new ones using the RichEdit commands.


The CommandPopupMenu<T>.EnableMenuItem method does not enable the context menu item if you set the corresponding command’s ICommandUIState.Enabled property to false.

The RichEditMenuType enumeration lists all available context menu types. The following sample modifies the RichEditMenuType.TableCell menu, invoked by right-clicking the table cell.

View Example

private void richEditControl_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e)
    if ((e.MenuType & RichEditMenuType.TableCell) != 0)
        // Remove the "Paste" menu item:

        // Disable the "Hyperlink..." menu item:

        // Create a RichEdit command, which inserts an inline picture into a document:
        IRichEditCommandFactoryService service = (IRichEditCommandFactoryService)richEditControl.GetService(typeof(IRichEditCommandFactoryService));
        RichEditCommand cmd = service.CreateCommand(RichEditCommandId.InsertPicture);

        //Create a menu item for the new command:
        RichEditMenuItemCommandWinAdapter menuItemCommandAdapter = new RichEditMenuItemCommandWinAdapter(cmd);
        RichEditMenuItem menuItem = (RichEditMenuItem)menuItemCommandAdapter.CreateMenuItem(DevExpress.Utils.Menu.DXMenuItemPriority.Normal);
        menuItem.BeginGroup = true;

        // Insert a new item into the Richedit popup menu and handle its click event:
        RichEditMenuItem myItem = new RichEditMenuItem("Highlight Selection", new EventHandler(MyClickHandler));
See Also