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BaseView.BeforeLoadLayout Event

Occurs before a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or the system registry).

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public event LayoutAllowEventHandler BeforeLoadLayout

Event Data

The BeforeLoadLayout event's data class is LayoutAllowEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Allow Gets or sets whether to allow upgrading the control layout.
NewHiddenItems Returns an array of items that exist in the current control but do not exist in the layout being loaded. These items are hidden. This property is in effect for the LayoutControl. Inherited from LayoutUpgradeEventArgs.
PreviousVersion Returns the textual representation of the previous layout version. Inherited from LayoutUpgradeEventArgs.


The BeforeLoadLayout event allows you to prevent the layout from being restored from storage and thus being applied to the current View.

This event is fired when an attempt is made to restore a layout from storage using one of the following methods: BaseView.RestoreLayoutFromRegistry, BaseView.RestoreLayoutFromStream and BaseView.RestoreLayoutFromXml. To stop the layout from being restored from the storage set the event’s Allow parameter to false.

The event’s PreviousVersion parameter defines the version of the layout being restored. This can be compared with the version of the current layout specified by the OptionsLayoutBase.LayoutVersion property of the BaseView.OptionsLayout object. The restoring of the layout can be cancelled, for instance if the versions do not match.

gridView1.BeforeLoadLayout += (s, ea) => {
    GridView view = s as GridView;
    if (ea.PreviousVersion != view.OptionsLayout.LayoutVersion)
        ea.Allow = false;
See Also