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SnapDocument Members

A central element of a Snap application that constitutes a report document and accounts for the creation and editing of a Snap report.


Name Description
AbstractNumberingLists Provides access to a collection of abstract numbering lists in the document. Inherited from Document.
ActiveEntity Specifies a Snap field for which the SnapEntity.Active property is enabled. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
ActiveThemeName Returns the name of the currently applied theme.
Bookmarks Provides access to the collection of document bookmarks. Inherited from SubDocument.
CalculatedFields Provides access to a SnapDocument‘s collection of calculated fields. Inherited from IDataSourceOwner.
CaretPosition Gets or sets the position of the caret within the document. Inherited from Document.
CharacterStyles Provides access to a collection of character styles in the current document. Inherited from Document.
Comments Provides access to a collection of comments in the current SubDocument. Inherited from SubDocument.
CompatibilitySettings Provides access to the document compatibility settings. Inherited from Document.
CustomMarks Provides access to a collection of custom marks. Inherited from SubDocument.
CustomProperties Provides access to a collection of the document’s custom properties. Inherited from Document.
CustomXmlParts Provides access to a document’s collection of custom XML parts. Inherited from Document.
DataSource Specifies the datasource for the DataSourceInfo collection. Inherited from IDataSourceOwner.
DataSources Provides access to the collection of a document’s data sources.
DefaultCharacterProperties Provides access to default character formatting for the current document. Inherited from Document.
DefaultParagraphProperties Provides access to default paragraph formatting for the current document. Inherited from Document.
DefaultTableProperties Provides access to the default properties for document tables. Inherited from Document.
DefaultTabWidth Gets or sets the default value of a tab stop width. Inherited from Document.
DifferentOddAndEvenPages Gets or sets whether the document has different odd and even pages. Inherited from Document.
DocBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in Microsoft Word 97-2003 format (Doc) format. Inherited from Document.
DocmBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOCM (Microsoft Office Open XML macro-enabled document) format. Inherited from Document.
DocumentProperties Provides access to the collection of document’s core properties. Inherited from Document.
DotBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOT (Microsoft Word 97-2007 Template) format. Inherited from Document.
DotmBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOTM (Microsoft Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Template) format. Inherited from Document.
DotxBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in DOTX (Microsoft Office Open XML macro-free template) format.’ Inherited from Document.
Encryption Provides access for the document’s encryption options. Inherited from Document.
EndnotePosition Gets or set the position of endnotes in the document. Inherited from Document.
Endnotes Provides access to document endnotes. Inherited from Document.
Fields Provides access to the collection of fields in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument.
FlatOpcBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpc (Microsoft Word XML Document, .xml) format. Inherited from Document.
FlatOpcMacroEnabledBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpcMacroEnabled (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Document, .xml) format. Inherited from Document.
FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Template, .xml) format. Inherited from Document.
FlatOpcTemplateBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in FlatOpcTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Template, .xml) format. Inherited from Document.
Footnotes Provides access to the document’s footnotes. Inherited from Document.
FormFields Provides access to the collection of the document’s FormField objects. Inherited from SubDocument.
HtmlText Gets or sets the document content as HTML text. Inherited from Document.
Hyperlinks Provides access to a collection of hyperlinks in the document. Inherited from SubDocument.
HyphenateCaps Gets or sets whether to hyphenate words in CAPS. Inherited from Document.
Hyphenation Gets or sets whether to enable hyphenation in a document. Inherited from Document.
Images Provides access to the collection of all images (inline and floating pictures) in the document . Inherited from SubDocument.
IsDocumentProtected Gets whether document protection is enabled. Inherited from Document.
IsEmpty Indicates whether the document is empty, i.e. contains only default content. Inherited from Document.
Length Gets the character length of the document. Inherited from SubDocument.
MhtText Gets or sets the document content as MHT text. Inherited from Document.
NumberingLists Provides access to a collection of definitions for numbering lists instantiated in the document. Inherited from Document.
OpenDocumentBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in Open Office Text (.odt) format. Inherited from Document.
OpenXmlBytes Gets or sets the document content as an array of bytes in Office Open XML (Docx) format. Inherited from Document.
PageBackColor Gets the background color of the page. Inherited from SubDocument.
Paragraphs Provides access to a collection of paragraphs. Inherited from SubDocument.
ParagraphStyles Provides access to a collection of paragraph styles in the current document. Inherited from Document.
Parameters Provides access to the report’s parameters collection.
ProtectionType Gets the protection type for the document. Inherited from Document.
Range Gets the range for the current Snap document. Inherited from SnapSubDocument.
RequiredExportCapabilities Obtains information on the formatting capabilities required to export the current document correctly. Inherited from Document.
Revisions Provides access to the collection of revisions made in the current document. Inherited from Document.
RtfText Gets or sets the formatted text content of the document. Inherited from Document.
Sections Provides access to a Snap document‘s collection of sections.
Selection Gets or sets the selected range in the document. Inherited from Document.
Selections Provides access to a collection of selections in the document. Inherited from Document.
Shapes Returns the collection of drawing objects in the document. Inherited from SubDocument.
ShowPageBackground Gets whether the page background color is shown. Inherited from SubDocument.
TableCellStyles Provides access to the collection of styles defined for cells in the table.
Tables Provides access to a collection of tables contained in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument.
TableStyles Provides access to a collection of styles defined for tables in the document. Inherited from Document.
Text Gets or sets the document’s text (plain text). Inherited from Document.
Theme Gets or sets the theme used in the document. Inherited from Document.
Themes Provides access to the collection of available themes.
TrackChanges Provides access to the document’s track changes options. Inherited from Document.
Unit Gets or sets a document’s measure units. Inherited from Document.
UpdateDocVariablesBeforePrint Gets or sets whether DOCVARIABLE fields are automatically updated before a document is printed or exported to PDF. Inherited from Document.
Variables Provides access to the collection of string values associated with document variables. Inherited from Document.
WatermarkManager Gets a manager that allows you to organize watermarks. Inherited from Document.
WordMLText Gets or sets the document content as the text in WordProcessingML (Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML) format. Inherited from Document.


Name Description
AppendDocumentContent(DocumentRange, InsertOptions) Appends content from the specified range. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(DocumentRange) Appends content from the specified range. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(Stream, DocumentFormat, String, InsertOptions) Appends content from the stream. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(Stream, DocumentFormat, String) Appends content from the stream. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(Stream, DocumentFormat) Appends content from the stream. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(Stream) Appends content from stream. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(String, DocumentFormat, String, InsertOptions) Appends content from the file. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(String, DocumentFormat, String) Appends content from the file. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(String, DocumentFormat) Appends content from the file. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendDocumentContent(String) Appends content from the file. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendHtmlText(String, InsertOptions) Appends HTML formatted text. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendHtmlText(String) Appends HTML formatted text. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendRtfText(String, InsertOptions) Appends formatted text. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendRtfText(String) Appends formatted text. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendSection() Appends a new empty section to the end of the Snap document.
AppendSingleLineText(String) Appends text as a single line. Inherited from SubDocument.
AppendText(String) Appends the specified text. Inherited from SubDocument.
ApplySyntaxHighlight(List<SyntaxHighlightToken>) Performs a batch update of text formatting for document ranges corresponding to specified tokens. Inherited from SubDocument.
ApplyTheme(String) Applies the specified theme to the current document.
BeginUpdate() Locks the SubDocument object by preventing visual updates until the EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from SubDocument.
BeginUpdateCharacters(DocumentPosition, Int32) Starts modifying properties of the specified number of characters starting at the specified document position. Inherited from SubDocument.
BeginUpdateCharacters(DocumentRange) Starts modifying properties of characters that fall within a specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
BeginUpdateCharacters(Int32, Int32) Starts modifying properties of the specified number of characters starting at the specified document position. Inherited from SubDocument.
BeginUpdateDataSource() Updates the DataSourceInfo collection.
BeginUpdateParagraphs(DocumentRange) Starts modifying properties of the paragraphs that fall within a specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
BeginUpdateRangePermissions() Gets the collection of all range permissions in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument.
CancelUpdateRangePermissions(RangePermissionCollection) Finalizes the update process, leaving range permissions intact. Inherited from SubDocument.
ChangeActiveDocument(SubDocument) Enables you to operate on selections in documents other than the main document, such as headers and footers. Inherited from Document.
Copy() Copies the currently selected text to the Clipboard. Inherited from Document.
Copy(DocumentRange) Copies the specified range of text to the Clipboard. Inherited from Document.
CreateMailMergeOptions() Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.CreateSnapMailMergeExportOptions method instead.
CreatePosition(Int32) Creates a new position in the current document. Inherited from SnapSubDocument.
CreateRange(DocumentPosition, Int32) Creates a new document range using the specified start position and range length. Inherited from SnapSubDocument.
CreateRange(Int32, Int32) Creates a new document range using the specified start position and range length. Inherited from SnapSubDocument.
CreateSnapMailMergeExportOptions() Creates the options that determine how a document is rendered when finishing a mail-merge report.
CreateSnBarCode(DocumentPosition) Adds a Bar Code to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnChart(DocumentPosition) Inserts a Chart into the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnCheckBox(DocumentPosition, String) Adds a Check Box to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnHyperlink(DocumentPosition, String) Adds a Hyperlink to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnImage(DocumentPosition, String) Adds a Picture to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnList(DocumentPosition, String) Adds a Snap list to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnRowIndex(DocumentPosition) Adds a Row Index to the specified position in an document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnSparkline(DocumentPosition, String) Adds a Sparkline to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
CreateSnText(DocumentPosition, String) Adds a text box to the specified position in a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
Cut() Removes the currently selected text and copies it to the Clipboard. Inherited from Document.
Cut(DocumentRange) Removes the specified range of text and copies it to the Clipboard. Inherited from Document.
Delete(DocumentRange) Removes content from the specified range. Inherited from SubDocument.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the SubDocument object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from SubDocument.
EndUpdateCharacters(CharacterProperties) Finalizes the modification of character formatting after calling the SubDocument.BeginUpdateCharacters method. Inherited from SubDocument.
EndUpdateDataSource() Ends the initialization of the DataSourceInfo collection.
EndUpdateParagraphs(ParagraphProperties) Finalizes the modification of paragraph formatting after the BeginUpdateParagraphs method call. Inherited from SubDocument.
EndUpdateRangePermissions(RangePermissionCollection) Finalizes the update and applies the changes to range permissions. Inherited from SubDocument.
ExportDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat) Exports the document to a stream in the specified format.
ExportDocument(String, DocumentFormat) Exports the document to a file in the specified format.
FindAll(String, SearchOptions, DocumentRange) Finds all text ranges that match the specified string in the specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
FindAll(String, SearchOptions) Finds all text ranges that match the specified string in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument.
FindAll(Regex, DocumentRange) Finds all occurrences of a character pattern specified by the regular expression. Inherited from SubDocument.
FindAll(Regex) Finds all occurrences of a character pattern specified by the regular expression. Inherited from SubDocument.
FindListByName(String) Searches for a Snap list by its name. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
GetAuthors() Returns the list of the document’s authors. Inherited from Document.
GetDataSourceOwner(Object) Returns an object that contains information about the specified data source.
GetDocBytes(DocumentRange, DocDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in DOC (Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDocBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in DOC (Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDocmBytes(DocumentRange, DocmDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in DOCM (Microsoft Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Document) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDocmBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in DOCM (Microsoft Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Document) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDotBytes(DocumentRange, DotDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in DOT (Microsoft Word 97-2007 Template) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDotBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in DOT (Microsoft Word 97-2007 Template) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDotmBytes(DocumentRange, DotmDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in DOTM (Microsoft Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Template) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDotmBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in DOTM (Microsoft Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Template) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDotxBytes(DocumentRange, DotxDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in DOTX (Microsoft Office Open XML macro-free template) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetDotxBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in DOTX (Microsoft Office Open XML macro-free template) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcBytes(DocumentRange, FlatOpcDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in FlatOpc (Microsoft Word XML Document, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in FlatOpc (Microsoft Word XML Document, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcMacroEnabledBytes(DocumentRange, FlatOpcMacroEnabledDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in FlatOpcMacroEnabled (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Document, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcMacroEnabledBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in FlatOpcMacroEnabled (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Document, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytes(DocumentRange, FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Template, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Template, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcTemplateBytes(DocumentRange, FlatOpcTemplateDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the range content in FlatOpcTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Template, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetFlatOpcTemplateBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the range content in FlatOpcTemplate (Microsoft Word XML Template, .xml) format and returns a byte array with this content. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetHtmlText(DocumentRange, IUriProvider, HtmlDocumentExporterOptions) Gets the text contained in the specified range in HTML format. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetHtmlText(DocumentRange, IUriProvider) Gets the text contained in the specified range in HTML format. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetMhtText(DocumentRange, MhtDocumentExporterOptions) Gets the content of the specified document range in MHT format. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetMhtText(DocumentRange) Gets the content of the specified document range in MHT format. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetOpenDocumentBytes(DocumentRange, OpenDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the content of the specified document range as a document in Open Document (ODT) format and returns a byte array with this document. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetOpenDocumentBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the content of the specified document range as a document in Open Document (ODT) format and returns a byte array with this document. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetOpenXmlBytes(DocumentRange, OpenXmlDocumentExporterOptions) Exports the content of the specified document range as a document in Office Open XML (Docx) format and returns a byte array with this document. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetOpenXmlBytes(DocumentRange) Exports the content of the specified document range as a document in Office Open XML (Docx) format and returns a byte array with this document. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetRtfText(DocumentRange, RtfDocumentExporterOptions) Gets the formatted string of the text contained in the specified range. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetRtfText(DocumentRange) Gets the formatted string of the text contained in the specified range. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetSection(DocumentPosition) Gets the section encompassing the specified position.
GetSubDocumentType() Returns the subdocument type. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetText(DocumentRange, TextFragmentOptions) Returns the plain text of the specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetText(DocumentRange, PlainTextDocumentExporterOptions, TextFragmentOptions) Returns the plain text of the specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetText(DocumentRange, PlainTextDocumentExporterOptions) Returns the plain text of the specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetText(DocumentRange) Returns the plain text of the specified document range. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetWordMLText(DocumentRange, WordMLDocumentExporterOptions) Gets the text contained in the specified range in WordML format. Inherited from SubDocument.
GetWordMLText(DocumentRange) Gets the text contained in the specified range in WordML format. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, DocumentRange, InsertOptions) Inserts content from the specified range in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, DocumentRange) Inserts content from the specified range in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, Stream, DocumentFormat, InsertOptions) Inserts content from the specified stream in the specified format, at the specified position, in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, Stream, DocumentFormat, String, InsertOptions) Inserts content from the specified stream in the specified format, at the specified position, in the current document. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, Stream, DocumentFormat, String) Insert content from the stream in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, Stream, DocumentFormat) Inserts content from the stream in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, Stream) Inserts content from the stream in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, String, DocumentFormat, InsertOptions) Inserts content from the file in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, String, DocumentFormat, String, InsertOptions) Inserts content from the file in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, String, DocumentFormat, String) Inserts content from the file in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, String, DocumentFormat) Inserts content from the file in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertDocumentContent(DocumentPosition, String) Inserts content from the file in the current document at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertHtmlText(DocumentPosition, String, InsertOptions) Inserts the specified HTML text into the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertHtmlText(DocumentPosition, String) Inserts the specified HTML text into the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertRtfText(DocumentPosition, String, InsertOptions) Inserts the specified formatted text into the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertRtfText(DocumentPosition, String) Inserts the specified formatted text into the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertSection(DocumentPosition) Inserts a new section into the document’s Document.Sections collection at a specified position.
InsertSingleLineText(DocumentPosition, String) Inserts a single line of text (text without line breaks) at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
InsertText(DocumentPosition, String) Inserts the specified text at the specified position. Inherited from SubDocument.
LoadDocument(Byte[], DocumentFormat, String) Loads a document in the specified format from a byte array. You can use this method to load HTML documents with connected files. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(Byte[], DocumentFormat) Loads a document in the specified format from a byte array. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(Byte[]) Loads a document from a byte array. The file format is determined based on document content. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat, String) Loads a document from the stream in the specified format. External content for HTML format is retrieved using the specified source (base) URI. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat) Loads a document from a stream, specifying the document format. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(Stream) Loads a document from the stream. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(String, DocumentFormat, String) Loads a document from the file in the specified format. External content for HTML format is retrieved using the specified source (base) URI. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(String, DocumentFormat) Loads a document from a file, specifying the document format. Inherited from Document.
LoadDocument(String) Loads a document from the specified file. The file format is determined by its content. Inherited from Document.
LoadTheme(Stream) Loads the specified theme from a stream.
LoadTheme(String) Loads the specified theme from a file.
MailMerge(Document) Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.SnapMailMerge method instead.
MailMerge(MailMergeOptions, Document) Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.SnapMailMerge method instead.
MailMerge(MailMergeOptions, Stream, DocumentFormat) Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.SnapMailMerge method instead.
MailMerge(MailMergeOptions, String, DocumentFormat) Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.SnapMailMerge method instead.
MailMerge(Stream, DocumentFormat) Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.SnapMailMerge method instead.
MailMerge(String, DocumentFormat) Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocument.SnapMailMerge method instead.
MakeAllTablesWordCompatible() Merges all columns with indexes greater than 63 into a single column for all tables in a document. Inherited from Document.
ParseField(Field) Converts the fields of a RichEditControl to Snap fields. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
ParseField(Int32) Converts the fields of a RichEditControl to Snap fields. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
Paste() Insert a text from the Clipboard into the current CaretPosition. Inherited from Document.
Paste(DocumentFormat) Inserts the contents of the Clipboard in the specified format at the caret position. Inherited from Document.
Protect(String, DocumentProtectionType) Enforces document protection and sets the specified password. Inherited from Document.
Protect(String) Protects a document with a given password. Inherited from Document.
RemoveField(Int32) Removes a Snap field at the specified position. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
RemoveSnList(String) Removes the specified Snap list from a document. Inherited from ISnapFieldOwner.
Replace(DocumentRange, String) Replaces the specified document range with the specified text string. Inherited from SubDocument.
ReplaceAll(String, String, SearchOptions, DocumentRange) Finds all occurrences of the search string in the specified range, and replaces them with the replacement string. Inherited from SubDocument.
ReplaceAll(String, String, SearchOptions) Finds all occurrences of the search string in the current document, and replaces them with the replacement string. Inherited from SubDocument.
ReplaceAll(Regex, String, DocumentRange) Replaces all occurrences of a character pattern defined by a regular expression with a specified replacement string. Inherited from SubDocument.
ReplaceAll(Regex, String) Replaces all occurrences of a character pattern defined by a regular expression with a specified replacement string. Inherited from SubDocument.
SaveCurrentTheme(Stream, String) Saves the current theme to a specified stream with a new name.
SaveCurrentTheme(Stream) Saves the current theme to a specified stream.
SaveCurrentTheme(String) Saves the current theme to a specified file.
SaveDocument(DocumentFormat, EncryptionSettings) Saves the document to a byte array in the specified file format and encrypts it with a password. Inherited from Document.
SaveDocument(DocumentFormat) Saves the document to a byte array in the specified file format. Inherited from Document.
SaveDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat, EncryptionSettings) Saves the document to a stream, specifying the document’s format and encryption options. Inherited from Document.
SaveDocument(Stream, DocumentFormat) Obsolete. Saves the document to a stream in the specified format.
SaveDocument(Stream) Saves the document to a stream.
SaveDocument(String, DocumentFormat, EncryptionSettings) Saves the document to a stream, specifying the document’s format and encryption options. Inherited from Document.
SaveDocument(String, DocumentFormat) Obsolete. Saves the document to a file in the specified format.
SaveDocument(String) Saves the document to a file.
SelectAll() Selects all the content in the document. Inherited from SubDocument.
SetPageBackground(Boolean) Shows the background color of the page. Inherited from SubDocument.
SetPageBackground(Color, Boolean) Sets the background color of the page and specifies whether it is shown. Inherited from SubDocument.
SetPageBackground(Color) Set the background color of the page. Inherited from SubDocument.
SnapMailMerge(SnapDocument) Starts rendering the specified mail-merge document.
SnapMailMerge(SnapMailMergeExportOptions, SnapDocument) Starts rendering a mail-merge document based on the applied export options and saving it to the specified target document.
SnapMailMerge(SnapMailMergeExportOptions, Stream, DocumentFormat) Starts rendering a mail-merge document based on the applied export options and saving it to a stream in the specified format.
SnapMailMerge(SnapMailMergeExportOptions, String, DocumentFormat) Starts rendering a mail-merge document based on the applied export options and saving it to a file in the specified format.
SnapMailMerge(Stream, DocumentFormat) Starts rendering a mail-merge document and saving it to a stream in the specified format.
SnapMailMerge(String, DocumentFormat) Starts rendering a mail-merge document and saving it to a file in the specified format.
StartSearch(String, SearchOptions, SearchDirection, DocumentRange) Provides a search interface for a search in the specified range in the specified direction, using the specified options. Inherited from SubDocument.
StartSearch(String, SearchOptions, SearchDirection) Provides a search interface for a search in the current document in the specified direction, using the specified options. Inherited from SubDocument.
StartSearch(String) Provides a search interface with default parameters. Inherited from SubDocument.
StartSearch(Regex, DocumentRange) Provides a search interface for a search in the specified range using a regular expression pattern. Inherited from SubDocument.
StartSearch(Regex) Provides a search interface for a search in the document, using a regular expression pattern. Inherited from SubDocument.
UnlinkAllFields() Replaces all document fields with field values. Inherited from Document.
Unprotect() Removes document protection. Inherited from Document.
UpdateAllFields() Updates all fields in the document. Inherited from Document.
UpdateTemplate() Forces the update of the template area.


Name Description
AfterInsertSnList Occurs after the list has been inserted into a document.
AfterInsertSnListColumns Occurs after inserting columns into the target list.
AfterInsertSnListDetail Occurs after the detail section has been added to the list.
AfterInsertSnListRecordData Fires after adding new fields to a document.
BeforeFillExcelDataSource Occurs before data is extracted from the Microsoft Excel workbooks (XLS, XLSX or XLSM files) or CSV files.
BeforeInsertSnList Occurs before a new list is created.
BeforeInsertSnListColumns Occurs before a new set of columns is created.
BeforeInsertSnListDetail Occurs before a new detail list is created.
BeforeInsertSnListRecordData Fires when adding fields to a list without using hot zones (this is only possible if the target list has been previously converted to paragraphs).
CalculateDocumentVariable Fires when the DOCVARIABLE field is updated. Inherited from Document.
ConfigureDataConnection Allows you to customize connection settings before connecting to a database.
ConnectionError Fires after an attempt to establish a data connection has failed.
ContentChanged Occurs when the document content was changed. Inherited from Document.
CustomFilterExpression Allows you to include WHERE clauses in SQL queries.
DataSourceChanged Occurs when the data source has been changed.
ModifiedChanged Occurs when the document content has been modified since it was last saved. Inherited from Document.
PrepareSnList Occurs after generating a list template.
PrepareSnListColumns Occurs for every added column after its body and header templates are created.
PrepareSnListDetail Occurs after generating a detail list template.
TrackedMovesConflict Occurs when moved text has been changed since it was moved. Inherited from Document.
See Also