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Twin Button

A button (TwinButton) consisting of two buttons with opposing actions displayed side by side.

Button Text & Image

The FisrtText and SecondText properties specify the text displayed within left and right buttons.

Twin Button - WinForms UI Templates, DevExpress

Use FirstIconImageOptions and SecondIconImageOptions properties to display a raster or SVG image within buttons. You can choose from the thousands of high-quality SVG/PNG icons from the DevExpress Image Gallery or use your own graphics.

Handle Button Clicks

The FirstClick and SecondClick events allow you to handle button clicks. Call the PerformFirstClick or PerformSecondClick method to raise the corresponding event in code.

HTML & CSS Template Customization

Buttons are created with HTML & CSS templates. This allows you to create fully customized buttons. Template customizations are handled with our HTML Template Editor that is integrated into the Visual Studio IDE. This tool uses an embedded Syntax Editor with autocomplete, tag navigation, and preview features.

See Also