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Member Table: Sorting Data

Member Description
TcxTreeListColumn.SortOrder Specifies whether a column is involved in sorting.
TcxTreeListColumn.SortIndex Specifies a column’s position within sorted columns.
TcxCustomTreeList.ClearSorting Stops sorting by all columns.
TcxTreeListNode.AlphaSort Sorts a node‘s child nodes.
TcxTreeListOptionsData.AnsiSort Specifies how string comparisons are carried out when sorting string cell values.
TcxTreeListOptionsData.CaseInsensitive Specifies whether sorting is case-insensitive.
TcxTreeListOptionsData.MultiThreadedSorting Specifies whether or not nodes are sorted using multi-threaded algorithms.
TcxCustomTreeList.Sorted Indicates whether columns are sorted.
TcxCustomTreeList.SortedColumns and TcxCustomTreeList.SortedColumnCount Provides indexed access to columns involved in sorting and returns the number of these columns.
TcxTreeListOptionsBehavior.Sorting Specifies whether end-users can sort by clicking column headers.
TcxTreeListOptionsBehavior.MultiSort Specifies whether end-users can sort by multiple columns.
TcxCustomTreeList.OnSorting and TcxCustomTreeList.OnSorted Enables you to respond to sorting data.
TcxCustomEditContainerItemOptions.Sorting Specifies whether end-users can sort by a certain column by clicking its header.
TcxCustomTreeList.OnCompare and TcxTreeListNode.CustomSort Enables you to provide custom sorting logic for nodes.
See Also