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Registers a class that describes custom graphic data for use with graphic ExpressEditors and DevExpress controls built with these ExpressEditors.



procedure RegisterGraphicClass(AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass);

ExpressEditors capable of displaying graphical data (BLOB, Image, etc.) initially support the following graphic data formats:

  • Bitmaps (.bmp);

  • GIF images (.gif) (*);

  • Icons (.ico);

  • JPEG images (.jpg and .jpeg) (*);

  • Metafiles (.emf and .wmf);

  • PNG images (.png) (**);

  • TIFF images (.tif and .tiff) (*).

(*) managed by TdxSmartImage.

(**) managed by TdxSmartImage or TdxPNGImage.

Call the GetRegisteredGraphicClasses global function to access the list of graphic classes registered with ExpressEditors. In order to register a new graphic class and add it to the list, call the RegisterGraphicClass global function and pass the graphic class as the AGraphicClass parameter. Once a graphic class is registered, you can use it by specifying its name in editor properties. For BLOB and Image editors, you can accomplish this via the Properties.GraphicClassName or Properties.PictureGraphicClassName property.

See Also