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DXTabControl.SelectedItem Property

Gets or sets a data item that corresponds to the selected tab item. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public object SelectedItem { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A data item that corresponds to the selected tab item.


The SelectedItem property returns a DXTabControl.Items collection element that corresponds to the selected tab item. If the DXTabControl.Items collection contains DXTabItem objects, the SelectedItem property has the same effect as the DXTabControl.SelectedTabItem property.

Use the SelectedItem property to select a tab item. You can also use the DXTabControl.SelectedIndex property to select the required tab item by its index within the Items collection. To obtain whether a tab item is selected, use its DXTabItem.IsSelected property.

The tab control allows you to hide individual tab items. Using the DXTabControl.SelectedIndex or SelectedItem properties to select a hidden tab item does nothing. In this instance, use the DXTabControl.ShowTabItem method.

Setting the SelectedItem property to a new value fires the DXTabControl.SelectionChanging event. This event is raised before a tab item is selected, allowing you to cancel the action. After the item has been selected, the DXTabControl.SelectionChanged event is fired.

See Also