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TabControlScrollView Class

Represents the scroll view.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public class TabControlScrollView :


The DXTabControl's layout, style and behavior settings are defined by view objects. In the scroll view, tab headers are displayed one after another in a single line. If the number of tab headers is too big to completely fit into the Tab Header Panel, the DXTabControl displays scroll buttons. These buttons allow you to scroll through tab items.


The scroll buttons can be automatically hidden when all the headers are visible and scrolling is not required. To control this feature, use the TabControlScrollView.AutoHideScrollButtons property. The visibility of the scroll buttons is specified by the TabControlScrollView.ScrollButtonsShowMode property. The scroll buttons can be always visible, always hidden or each button can be visible if it is enabled.

To learn more about the views, see Views.

See Also