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Scheduler Storage

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This document introduces the SchedulerStorage, describes its main features and lists its main members.

#What Is the Scheduler Storage?

The SchedulerStorage is a specific built-in element of the DXScheduler Suite for Silverlight, intended to implement all data operations for the SchedulerControl. It is represented by the SchedulerStorage class instance, and can be accessed via the SchedulerControl.Storage property. Although it is not visible to end-users, it does all the background work required by the scheduling application. The SchedulerStorage contains two specific data storages for appointments and resources, which are used to bind a scheduler to the appointments and resources datasource.

#What Are the Main Members of the Scheduler Storage?

The following table lists the main properties and methods of the SchedulerStorage class, which implements its basic functionality.

Member Name Description
Data Binding
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentStorage property Provides access to a storage that contains information on appointments.
SchedulerStorage.ResourceStorage property Provides access to an object which manages resources for appointments.
SchedulerControl.UnboundMode property Gets a value indicating if the SchedulerControl is bound to data.
AppointmentStorage.Mappings Contains information on mappings of standard appointment properties to specific fields in a datasource.
ResourceStorage.Mappings Contains information on mappings of standard resource properties to appropriate fields in a datasource.
AppointmentStorage.Labels property Provides access to the collection of appointment labels.
AppointmentStorage.Statuses property Provides access to the collection of appointment statuses.
Data Processing
SchedulerStorage.GetObjectRow method Returns the data row object that contains information about the specified persistent object.
SchedulerStorage.GetObjectValue method Returns the value of the specified field in the data row that contains information about the persistent object.
SchedulerStorage.SetObjectValue method Assigns the specified value to a field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object.
SchedulerStorage.FilterAppointment event Enables specific appointments to be hidden in the Scheduler Control.
SchedulerStorage.FilterResource event Enables specific resources to be hidden in the Scheduler Control.
Notification Events
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentInserting Allows you to cancel the insertion of an appointment.
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentsInserted Fires after one or more appointments have been added to the collection.
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentChanging Fires when an appointment's property is changing.
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentsChanged Fires after properties of one or more appointments have been changed.
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentDeleting Allows you to cancel the deletion of an appointment.
SchedulerStorage.AppointmentsDeleted Fires after deletion of one or more appointments.
SchedulerStorage.ResourceInserting Allows you to cancel the addition of a resource.
SchedulerStorage.ResourcesInserted Occurs when new resources have been inserted into the scheduler storage.
SchedulerStorage.ResourceChanging Fires when a resource property is about to be changed.
SchedulerStorage.ResourcesChanged Occurs when a resource or several resources in a collection are changed.
SchedulerStorage.ResourceDeleting Allows the deletion of a resource to be cancelled.
SchedulerStorage.ResourcesDeleted Occurs after a resource or several resources have been deleted.
SchedulerStorage.EnableReminders property Gets or sets whether an reminder availability for appointments is enabled.
SchedulerStorage.RemindersEnabled property Gets whether the reminders are enabled.
SchedulerStorage.SupportsRecurrence property Gets whether the information on appointment recurrence is obtained from a data source.
SchedulerStorage.SupportsReminders property Gets whether the information on appointment reminders is obtained from a data source.
See Also