The Mirror Control applies a perspective view to its content and displays a reflection, which can be rotated in 3D.
#Reflection Settings
The control's settings allow you to rotate the image in 3D and specify numerous settings, including mirror position and offset, reflection opacity, appearance and animation effects:
- The direction of the mirror reflection is specified by the MirrorControl.ReflectionDirection property. The reflection can be located at the top, at the bottom, on the left side or on the right side of the control's content;
- A bitmap effect (e.g. blur, shadow or shader), applied to the reflection, is specified by the MirrorControl.ReflectionEffect property;
- An opacity mask (e.g. a gradient opacity), applied to the reflection, is specified by the MirrorControl.ReflectionOpacityMask property;
- The perspective transformation parameters, used to transform the MirrorControl's content and reflection, can be specified using the MirrorControl.ContentProjection property.