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BookmarkOptions Class

Contains settings used to define the bookmark appearance and behavior in the Rich Text Editor.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public class BookmarkOptions :

The following members return BookmarkOptions objects:


Visualize the Bookmark

Use the following properties to highlight bookmarks:

  • Visibility - to enable/disable bookmark highlighting;
  • Color - to set the highlighting color.

With these properties specified, the bookmarks are displayed the following way:


using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using System.Drawing;

BookmarkOptions bookmarkOptions = richEditControl.Options.Bookmarks;
bookmarkOptions.Visibility = RichEditBookmarkVisibility.Visible;
bookmarkOptions.Color = Color.Sienna;

Export Bookmarks to the PDF format

You can specify what bookmarks can be displayed in the Bookmarks panel when you export the document to PDF format. Set the DisplayBookmarksInPdfNavigationPane property to one of the PdfBookmarkDisplayMode enumeration values, as shown below:

using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;

using (var wordProcessor = new RichEditDocumentServer())
    BookmarkOptions bookmarkOptions = wordProcessor.Options.Bookmarks;
    bookmarkOptions.DisplayBookmarksInPdfNavigationPane =

Use the DisplayUnreferencedPdfBookmarks property to determine whether to show bookmarks without references (i.e., without hyperlinks anchored to these bookmarks) in the Bookmarks navigation pane. The DisplayBookmarksInPdfNavigationPane property set PdfBookmarkDisplayMode.None controls the unreferenced bookmarks when the DisplayUnreferencedPdfBookmarks property is set to true.

Resolve Name Conflicts

If a new bookmark name duplicates the existing one, an InvalidOperationException exception is thrown with the message obtained from the XtraRichEditStringId.Msg_DuplicateBookmark resource string that reads “Bookmark with that name already exists in the document”. Use the ConflictNameResolution property to process bookmarks with duplicate names.

See Also