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ExpressionContext(Int32, Int32, Worksheet, CultureInfo, Boolean, ReferenceStyle) Constructor


Use the ExpressionContext(int column, int row, Worksheet sheet, CultureInfo culture, ReferenceStyle referenceStyle, ExpressionStyle expressionStyle) constructor instead.

Initializes a new instance of the ExpressionContext class with the specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Formulas

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


[Obsolete("Use the ExpressionContext(int column, int row, Worksheet sheet, CultureInfo culture, ReferenceStyle referenceStyle, ExpressionStyle expressionStyle) constructor instead.", false)]
public ExpressionContext(
    int column,
    int row,
    Worksheet sheet,
    CultureInfo culture,
    bool isArrayFormula,
    ReferenceStyle referenceStyle


Name Type Description
column Int32

An integer that is the column index of a cell containing the formula.

row Int32

An integer that is the row index of a cell containing the formula.

sheet Worksheet

A Worksheet object that is the worksheet containing the formula.

culture CultureInfo

A CultureInfo object specifying culture-specific settings.

isArrayFormula Boolean

true, if the formula is an array formula; otherwise, false.

referenceStyle ReferenceStyle

A ReferenceStyle enumeration that specifies the cell reference style.

See Also