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Microsoft Azure Specifics

The Web Dashboard has specifics when a web application is deployed to Microsoft Azure.

PDF and Image Exporting Specifics

If the dashboard or specific dashboard items are exported to PDF or image formats, their content is saved to the Windows Metafile format, which is not supported by Azure. To overcome this limitation, set the DashboardExportSettings.CompatibilityMode property to DashboardExportCompatibilityMode.Restricted at the application startup.

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
// ...

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    DashboardExportSettings.CompatibilityMode = DashboardExportCompatibilityMode.Restricted;

In this case, images from the corresponding exported documents will be always rendered as bitmaps.

TextBox Specifics

To make the TextBox item works correctly when you deploy your application to Azure, set the AzureCompatibility.Enable property to true. It is necessary to set this property in the Global.asax ApplicationStart event:

protected void Application_Start() {  
    DevExpress.Utils.AzureCompatibility.Enable = true;  
See Also