Window Calculation Functions
- 4 minutes to read
This topic contains a description of window functions that can be used to specify measure expressions.
- Index()
Returns the index of the current row in the window.
- Size()
Returns the number of rows in the window.
- Lookup(SummaryExpression, Position)
Returns the value of the expression in a target position specified as a relative offset from the current position.
Lookup(Sum([Sales]), 3)
- Last()
Returns the number of rows from the current row to the last row in the window.
- First()
Returns the number of rows from the current row to the first row in the window.
- RankCompetition(SummaryExpression, [ ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ ])
Returns the standard competition rank for the current row in the window.
RankCompetition(Sum([Sales]), 'asc')
- RankDense(SummaryExpression, [ ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ ])
Returns the dense rank for the current row in the window.
RankDense(Sum([Sales]), 'asc')
- RankUnique(SummaryExpression, [ ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ ])
Returns the unique rank for the current row in the window.
RankUnique(Sum([Sales]), 'asc')
RankModified(SummaryExpression, [ ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ ]) Returns the modified competition rank for the current row in the window.RankModified(Sum([Sales]), 'asc')
RankPercentile(SummaryExpression, [ ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ ]) Returns the percentile rank for the current row in the window.RankPercentile(Sum([Sales]), 'desc')
- RunningAvg(SummaryExpression)
Returns the running average of the specified expression from the first row in the window to the current row.
- RunningAggregate(SummaryExpression, CustomAggregateName)
Returns the cumulative result of the custom function applied to specified expression from the first row in the window to the current row.
RunningAggregate(Min([City]), 'StringConcat')
- RunningCount(SummaryExpression)
Returns the running count of the specified expression from the first row in the window to the current row.
- RunningMax(SummaryExpression)
Returns the running maximum of the specified expression from the first row in the window to the current row.
- RunningMin(SummaryExpression)
Returns the running minimum of the specified expression from the first row in the window to the current row.
- RunningSum(SummaryExpression)
Returns the running sum of the specified expression from the first row in the window to the current row.
- WindowAggregate(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset, CustomAggregateName)
Returns the result of the custom function applied to the specified expression in the window.
WindowAggregate(Min([CompanyName]), -1, 1, 'StringConcat')
- WindowAvg(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the average of the expression within the window, which is defined using offsets from the current row.
WindowAvg(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowCount(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the count of the expression within the window.
WindowCount(Sum([Sales]), First()+2, Last())
- WindowCountDistinct(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the distinct count of the expression within the window.
WindowCountDistinct(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowFirstValue(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the first value of the expression within the window.
WindowFirstValue((Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowMax(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the maximum of the expression within the window.
WindowMax(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowMin(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the minimum of the expression within the window.
WindowMin(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowMode(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the statistical mode in the window (the element that occurs most often in the values calculated with the specified expression within the window).
WindowMode(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowMedian(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the median of the expression within the window.
WindowMedian(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowSum(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the sum of the expression within the window.
WindowSum(Sum([Sales]), First()+2, Last())
- WindowVar(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the variance of the expression within the window.
WindowVar(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowVarp(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the biased variance of the expression within the window.
WindowVarp(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowStdDev(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the sample standard deviation of the expression within the window.
WindowStdDev(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
- WindowStdDevp(SummaryExpression, StartOffset, EndOffset)
Returns the biased standard deviation of the expression within the window.
WindowStdDevp(Sum([Sales]), First(), Last())
Total(SummaryExpression)Returns the total for the specified expression in a calculation window. Note that the Total function calculates the total based on values from the underlying data source.