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PivotGridOptionsData.OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation Property

Gets or sets whether to use decimal type conversion while calculating data in certain aggregation types.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.PivotGrid.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.PivotGrid.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public bool OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

True, if the optimized calculation mode is switched on; otherwise, false.

Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Object Type Path to OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation
.OptionsData .OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation



If you notice loss of precision in calculation results for several aggregation types, turn off the optimized calculation mode by setting the OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation property to false.

The optimized calculation mode provides improved performance by excluding unnecessary type conversions for source data during aggregations. Although we tend to maintain backward compatibility in return data types and precision, there might be certain issues which you can avoid by setting the OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation property to false.

The Legacy (PivotDataProcessingEngine.Legacy) engine converts all values to the Decimal type and subsequently calculates the summary values. This operation is time consuming, thus in the optimized engine summary values are calculated using the original type. Decimal operations yield higher precision, so you may wish to enable decimal conversion in LegacyOptimized mode (PivotDataProcessingEngine.LegacyOptimized) by setting the OptimizeSummaryTypeCalculation property to false.

See Also