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MongoDBDataSource.FillAsync Method

Name Parameters Description
FillAsync() none Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource.
FillAsync(IEnumerable<IParameter>, String[], CancellationToken) sourceParameters, queriesToFill, cancellationToken Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify external parameters that you can reference in a query’s filter string, the queries that should be executed in order to load the data, and a cancellation token that you can use to cancel the data loading task.
FillAsync(IEnumerable<IParameter>, String[]) sourceParameters, queriesToFill Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify external parameters that you can reference in a query’s filter string and the queries that should be executed in order to load the data.
FillAsync(IEnumerable<IParameter>, CancellationToken) sourceParameters, cancellationToken Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify external parameters that you can reference in a query’s filter string and a cancellation token that you can use to cancel the data loading task.
FillAsync(IEnumerable<IParameter>) sourceParameters Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify external parameters that you can reference in a query’s filter string.
FillAsync(String[], CancellationToken) queriesToFill, cancellationToken Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify the queries that should be executed in order to load the data and a cancellation token that you can use to cancel the data loading task.
FillAsync(String[]) queriesToFill Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify the queries that should be executed in order to load the data.
FillAsync(CancellationToken) cancellationToken Asynchronously loads data from a MongoDB instance to MongoDBDataSource. Allows you to specify a cancellation token that you can use to cancel the data loading task.