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MailMergeAndDownloadCommand.execute(fileExtension) Method

Executes the MailMergeAndDownloadCommand command with the specified parameters.


    fileExtension: string | DocumentFormat,
    settings?: MailMergeSettings
): boolean


Name Type Description
fileExtension string | DocumentFormat

A string value specifying the file extension of the resulting document.

settings MailMergeSettings

A MailMergeSettings object containing settings to set up mail merge operations.


Type Description

true if the command has been successfully executed; false if the command execution has failed.


Usage example:

var mergeSettings = {
    range: ASPx.MailMergeExportRange.Range,
    exportFrom: 2,
    exportRecordsCount: 5,
    mergeMode: ASPx.MergeMode.NewSection

richEdit.commands.mailMergeAndDownload.execute('.docx', mergeSettings);
See Also