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Could not find control 'X' in ControlParameter 'Y'

#Error Description

The error occurs in the following scenario if the ControlParameter.ControlID value is incorrect:


Make sure the ControlParameter.ControlID value equals a control’s Control.UniqueID property value.

Use the control’s Init event (How To: Use the Init/Load event handler) to find its unique ID and assign it to the ControlParameter.ControlID property.

<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="ASPxComboBox1" runat="server" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1"  
    ValueType="System.Int32" ValueField="CategoryID" 
    TextField="CategoryName" OnInit="ASPxComboBox1_Init">  
protected void ASPxComboBox1_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) {  
    ASPxComboBox control = (ASPxComboBox)sender;  
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(control.UniqueID); // It can be ASPxPanel1$ASPxComboBox1, ASPxGridView1$Title$ASPxComboBox1, etc.  