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FileAttachmentsAspNetModule Class

The module contained in the DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web.v24.1.dll assembly.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachments.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web


[ToolboxTabName("DX.24.1: XAF Modules")]
public sealed class FileAttachmentsAspNetModule :


The File Attachments Module comprises two assemblies:

  • DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Win.v24.1.dll

    Contains classes that are required in Windows Forms applications only.

    This assembly represents a module, since it contains the FileAttachmentsWindowsFormsModule class - a descendant of the ModuleBase class.

  • DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web.v24.1.dll

    Contains classes that are required in ASP.NET Web Forms applications only.

    This assembly represents a module, since it contains the FileAttachmentsAspNetModule class - a descendant of the ModuleBase class.

The FileAttachmentsAspNetModule class exposes properties whose values determine the behavior of ASP.NET Web Forms specific file attachment features. To set these properties, select the FileAttachmentsAspNetModule component in the Application Designer‘s Modules section, and use the Properties window.


See Also