SnapDockManager Properties
Provides dock panels for a Snap application.Name | Description |
ActivePanel | Gets or sets the active dock panel. Inherited from DockManager. |
ActivePanelID | Gets or sets the index of the active dock panel. Inherited from DockManager. |
AllowGlyphSkinning | Gets or sets whether all DockPanels within the DockManager should paint their icons in the panel’s foreground colors. Inherited from DockManager. |
AutoHiddenPanelCaptionShowMode | Gets or sets how panel captions are displayed within an auto-hide container when these panels are combined into an auto-hidden tab container. Inherited from DockManager. |
AutoHiddenPanelShowMode | Gets or sets whether auto-hidden panels within the current DockManager are shown during mouse hover, or only during a mouse click. Inherited from DockManager. |
AutoHideContainers | Provides access to the auto hide containers and thus to the panels whose auto hide functionality is enabled. Inherited from DockManager. |
AutoHideSpeed | Gets or sets a value that specifies the auto-hide speed of dock panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Controller | Gets or sets the bar and dock controller that provides the default appearance options for the dock panels belonging to the current dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
Count | Gets the total number of panels that belong to the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
DockController | Gets an IDockController that performs docking operations on panels within the current DockManager. Inherited from DockManager. |
DockingOptions | Provides access to the settings that affect the behavior of dock panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
DockMode | Gets or sets the dock style. Inherited from DockManager. |
DockModeVS2005FadeFramesCount | Gets or sets the number of frames in the fading animation effect that are applied when displaying dock visualizers (markers) in VS2005 dock style. Inherited from DockManager. |
DockModeVS2005FadeSpeed | Gets or sets a value that specifies the speed of fade effects. Inherited from DockManager. |
DocumentManager | Gets a DocumentManager associated with this DockManager. Inherited from DockManager. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
Form | Gets or sets the container control (form or user control) which displays the dock panels owned by the current dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
HiddenPanels | Provides access to a collection of hidden dock panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
Images | Gets or sets the image source whose images are used by dock panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
IsDeserializing | Indicates whether the docking layout is being loaded. Inherited from DockManager. |
IsInitialized | Indicates whether the dock manager has been initialized. Inherited from DockManager. |
Item[Int32] | Provides indexed access to the panels which belong to the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
Item[String] | Provides indexed access to the panels which belong to the dock manager by their names. Inherited from DockManager. |
LayoutVersion | Gets or sets the version of the layout of dock windows. Inherited from DockManager. |
MenuManager | Gets or sets an object that controls the look and feel of the DockManager‘s popup menus. Inherited from DockManager. |
Panels | Provides access to all the dock panels owned by the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
RootPanels | Provides access to the collection of visible panels which are not owned by other panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
SerializationInProgress | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DockManager. |
SerializationOptions | Provides options which control how a layout of dock panels is stored to/restored from a data store (a stream, xml file or system registry). Inherited from DockManager. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
SnapControl | Specifies the SnapControl that is associated with the SnapDockManager. |
Style | Gets or sets the style for all panels owned by this DockManager. Inherited from DockManager. |
ToolTipController | Gets or sets the tooltip controller component that controls the appearance, position and content of the hints displayed by the dock panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
TopZIndexControls | Gets the string collection that stores the full names of the controls which have the top (high) indexes in the z-order and thus are positioned closest to the form’s edges. Inherited from DockManager. |
ValidateDockPanelOnDeactivate | Gets or sets whether the Validate method is forcibly called on a dock panel when switching from this dock panel to another one. Inherited from DockManager. |
ValidateFloatFormChildrenOnDeactivate | Gets or sets whether a float dock panel’s controls are validated when the panel is deactivated. Inherited from DockManager. |
ValidateFormChildrenOnDeactivate | Gets or sets whether the ValidateChildren method is forcibly called on a DockManager parent Form when switching from one dock panel to another. Inherited from DockManager. |
XtraSerializableScreenConfiguration | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DockManager. |
See Also