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SnapDockManager Members

Provides dock panels for a Snap application.


Name Description
SnapDockManager() Initializes a new instance of the SnapDockManager class with default settings.
SnapDockManager(IContainer) Initializes a new instance of the SnapDockManager class with the specified container.
SnapDockManager(ContainerControl) Initializes a new instance of the SnapDockManager class with the specified container control.


Name Description
ActivePanel Gets or sets the active dock panel. Inherited from DockManager.
ActivePanelID Gets or sets the index of the active dock panel. Inherited from DockManager.
AllowGlyphSkinning Gets or sets whether all DockPanels within the DockManager should paint their icons in the panel’s foreground colors. Inherited from DockManager.
AutoHiddenPanelCaptionShowMode Gets or sets how panel captions are displayed within an auto-hide container when these panels are combined into an auto-hidden tab container. Inherited from DockManager.
AutoHiddenPanelShowMode Gets or sets whether auto-hidden panels within the current DockManager are shown during mouse hover, or only during a mouse click. Inherited from DockManager.
AutoHideContainers Provides access to the auto hide containers and thus to the panels whose auto hide functionality is enabled. Inherited from DockManager.
AutoHideSpeed Gets or sets a value that specifies the auto-hide speed of dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
Controller Gets or sets the bar and dock controller that provides the default appearance options for the dock panels belonging to the current dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
Count Gets the total number of panels that belong to the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DockController Gets an IDockController that performs docking operations on panels within the current DockManager. Inherited from DockManager.
DockingOptions Provides access to the settings that affect the behavior of dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
DockMode Gets or sets the dock style. Inherited from DockManager.
DockModeVS2005FadeFramesCount Gets or sets the number of frames in the fading animation effect that are applied when displaying dock visualizers (markers) in VS2005 dock style. Inherited from DockManager.
DockModeVS2005FadeSpeed Gets or sets a value that specifies the speed of fade effects. Inherited from DockManager.
DocumentManager Gets a DocumentManager associated with this DockManager. Inherited from DockManager.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
Form Gets or sets the container control (form or user control) which displays the dock panels owned by the current dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
HiddenPanels Provides access to a collection of hidden dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
Images Gets or sets the image source whose images are used by dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
IsDeserializing Indicates whether the docking layout is being loaded. Inherited from DockManager.
IsInitialized Indicates whether the dock manager has been initialized. Inherited from DockManager.
Item[Int32] Provides indexed access to the panels which belong to the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
Item[String] Provides indexed access to the panels which belong to the dock manager by their names. Inherited from DockManager.
LayoutVersion Gets or sets the version of the layout of dock windows. Inherited from DockManager.
MenuManager Gets or sets an object that controls the look and feel of the DockManager‘s popup menus. Inherited from DockManager.
Panels Provides access to all the dock panels owned by the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
RootPanels Provides access to the collection of visible panels which are not owned by other panels. Inherited from DockManager.
SerializationInProgress This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DockManager.
SerializationOptions Provides options which control how a layout of dock panels is stored to/restored from a data store (a stream, xml file or system registry). Inherited from DockManager.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
SnapControl Specifies the SnapControl that is associated with the SnapDockManager.
Style Gets or sets the style for all panels owned by this DockManager. Inherited from DockManager.
ToolTipController Gets or sets the tooltip controller component that controls the appearance, position and content of the hints displayed by the dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
TopZIndexControls Gets the string collection that stores the full names of the controls which have the top (high) indexes in the z-order and thus are positioned closest to the form’s edges. Inherited from DockManager.
ValidateDockPanelOnDeactivate Gets or sets whether the Validate method is forcibly called on a dock panel when switching from this dock panel to another one. Inherited from DockManager.
ValidateFloatFormChildrenOnDeactivate Gets or sets whether a float dock panel’s controls are validated when the panel is deactivated. Inherited from DockManager.
ValidateFormChildrenOnDeactivate Gets or sets whether the ValidateChildren method is forcibly called on a DockManager parent Form when switching from one dock panel to another. Inherited from DockManager.
XtraSerializableScreenConfiguration This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DockManager.


Name Description
About() static Activates the dock manager’s About dialog box. Inherited from DockManager.
AddPanel(DockingStyle, DockPanel) Docks the specified panel to the DockManager container using the specified style. Inherited from DockManager.
AddPanel(DockingStyle) Creates a new dock panel and docks it to the form (user control) using the specified dock style. Inherited from DockManager.
AddPanel(Point) Creates a new dock panel and floats it at the specified point. Inherited from DockManager.
AddPanel(Control, DockingStyle, String) Creates a new panel and docks it to the required position. Inherited from DockManager.
AddPanel(Control, Point, String) Creates a new floating panel with the target content. Inherited from DockManager.
BeginInit() Notifies the component that the initialization has started. Inherited from DockManager.
BeginUpdate() Locks the DockManager object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from DockManager.
Clear() Destroys all panels. Inherited from DockManager.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
CreateVs2005DockStyleVisualizers() Creates a helper object that manages dock visualizers for the VS2005 dock style. Inherited from DockManager.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndInit() Notifies the control that the initialization has been completed. Inherited from DockManager.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the DockManager object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from DockManager.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ForceInitialize() Forces the dock manager to finish its initialization. Inherited from DockManager.
GetDockPanelAtPos(Point) Returns the panel located under the specified point. Inherited from DockManager.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetLogicalChildren() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DockManager.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InitializeCore() Performs basic initialization of the created SnapDockManager object and assigns the specified Design Surface to it.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
LockWindowUpdate() This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DockManager.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemovePanel(DockPanel) Destroys the specified panel. Inherited from DockManager.
ReplaceOwnerForm() Call this method to change the DockManager parent form. Inherited from DockManager.
RestoreFromRegistry(String) Restores the layout stored at the specified system registry path to the dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
RestoreFromStream(Stream) Restores the layout in the specified stream to the dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
RestoreFromXml(String) Restores the layout of dock controls from the specified XML file. Inherited from DockManager.
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String) Restores the layout of dock panels from the specified system registry path. Inherited from DockManager.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) Restores the layout of dock panels from the specified stream. Inherited from DockManager.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) Restores the layout of dock panels from the specified XML file. Inherited from DockManager.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String) Saves the layout of dock panels to the specified system registry path. Inherited from DockManager.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) Saves the layout of dock panels to a stream. Inherited from DockManager.
SaveLayoutToXml(String) Saves the layout of dock panels to an XML file. Inherited from DockManager.
SaveToRegistry(String) Saves the layout of the dock panels to the registry. Inherited from DockManager.
SaveToStream(Stream) Saves the layout of dock panels to a stream. Inherited from DockManager.
SaveToXml(String) Saves the layout of dock panels to an XML file. Inherited from DockManager.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.


Name Description
ActiveChildChanged Fires after the panel’s active child has been changed. Inherited from DockManager.
ActivePanelChanged Fires after the active dock panel has been changed. Inherited from DockManager.
BeforeLoadLayout Occurs before a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or the system registry). Inherited from DockManager.
ClosedPanel Occurs after a panel has been closed. Inherited from DockManager.
ClosingPanel Occurs when a panel is closing. Inherited from DockManager.
Collapsed Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is completely hidden. Inherited from DockManager.
Collapsing Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is about to hide. Inherited from DockManager.
CreateAutoHideContainer Fires after an auto hide container has been created. Inherited from DockManager.
CreateResizeZone Allows you to prevent dock panels from being resized using the mouse at specific borders and corners. Inherited from DockManager.
DestroyAutoHideContainer Fires before an auto hide container has been destroyed. Inherited from DockManager.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
Docking Fires repeatedly while a dock panel is being dragged. Inherited from DockManager.
EndDocking Fires immediately after a docking operation on a dock panel has finished. Inherited from DockManager.
EndSizing Fires after a resize operation on a dock panel has finished. Inherited from DockManager.
Expanded Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is completely shown. Inherited from DockManager.
Expanding Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is about to be displayed. Inherited from DockManager.
LayoutUpgrade Occurs after a layout whose version doesn’t match the current layout’s version has been loaded from storage (a stream, xml file or system registry). Inherited from DockManager.
Load Fires after the docking layout has been loaded. Inherited from DockManager.
PopupMenuShowing Occurs when a context menu is about to be displayed. Inherited from DockManager.
RegisterDockPanel Occurs when a new panel is registered within the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
ShowingDockGuides Occurs when an end-user drags a DockPanel into another panel and allows you to hide specific dock hints and guides. If the DocumentManager component is also present on the form, handle its BaseView.ShowingDockGuides event to control which dock hints should be visible when a user drags a panel over this component. Inherited from DockManager.
Sizing Fires when the dock panel is being resized. Inherited from DockManager.
StartDocking Fires when a docking operation starts. Inherited from DockManager.
StartSizing Enables specifying whether end-users can resize the dock panels. Inherited from DockManager.
TabbedChanged Occurs when a panel’s DockPanel.Tabbed property is changed. Inherited from DockManager.
TabsPositionChanged Fires after a dock panel’s DockPanel.TabsPosition property has been changed. Inherited from DockManager.
TabsScrollChanged Occurs when a panel’s DockPanel.TabsScroll property is changed. Inherited from DockManager.
UnregisterDockPanel Occurs when a panel is removed from the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager.
VisibilityChanged Fires after the visible state of any dock panel owned by the dock manager has been changed. Inherited from DockManager.
See Also