SnapDockManager Events
Provides dock panels for a Snap application.Name | Description |
ActiveChildChanged | Fires after the panel’s active child has been changed. Inherited from DockManager. |
ActivePanelChanged | Fires after the active dock panel has been changed. Inherited from DockManager. |
BeforeLoadLayout | Occurs before a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or the system registry). Inherited from DockManager. |
ClosedPanel | Occurs after a panel has been closed. Inherited from DockManager. |
ClosingPanel | Occurs when a panel is closing. Inherited from DockManager. |
Collapsed | Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is completely hidden. Inherited from DockManager. |
Collapsing | Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is about to hide. Inherited from DockManager. |
CreateAutoHideContainer | Fires after an auto hide container has been created. Inherited from DockManager. |
CreateResizeZone | Allows you to prevent dock panels from being resized using the mouse at specific borders and corners. Inherited from DockManager. |
DestroyAutoHideContainer | Fires before an auto hide container has been destroyed. Inherited from DockManager. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
Docking | Fires repeatedly while a dock panel is being dragged. Inherited from DockManager. |
EndDocking | Fires immediately after a docking operation on a dock panel has finished. Inherited from DockManager. |
EndSizing | Fires after a resize operation on a dock panel has finished. Inherited from DockManager. |
Expanded | Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is completely shown. Inherited from DockManager. |
Expanding | Occurs when any auto-hide DockPanel within the current DockManager is about to be displayed. Inherited from DockManager. |
LayoutUpgrade | Occurs after a layout whose version doesn’t match the current layout’s version has been loaded from storage (a stream, xml file or system registry). Inherited from DockManager. |
Load | Fires after the docking layout has been loaded. Inherited from DockManager. |
PopupMenuShowing | Occurs when a context menu is about to be displayed. Inherited from DockManager. |
RegisterDockPanel | Occurs when a new panel is registered within the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
ShowingDockGuides | Occurs when an end-user drags a DockPanel into another panel and allows you to hide specific dock hints and guides. If the DocumentManager component is also present on the form, handle its BaseView.ShowingDockGuides event to control which dock hints should be visible when a user drags a panel over this component. Inherited from DockManager. |
Sizing | Fires when the dock panel is being resized. Inherited from DockManager. |
StartDocking | Fires when a docking operation starts. Inherited from DockManager. |
StartSizing | Enables specifying whether end-users can resize the dock panels. Inherited from DockManager. |
TabbedChanged | Occurs when a panel’s DockPanel.Tabbed property is changed. Inherited from DockManager. |
TabsPositionChanged | Fires after a dock panel’s DockPanel.TabsPosition property has been changed. Inherited from DockManager. |
TabsScrollChanged | Occurs when a panel’s DockPanel.TabsScroll property is changed. Inherited from DockManager. |
UnregisterDockPanel | Occurs when a panel is removed from the dock manager. Inherited from DockManager. |
VisibilityChanged | Fires after the visible state of any dock panel owned by the dock manager has been changed. Inherited from DockManager. |
See Also