SnapChart Properties
A chart embedded in a Snap report.Name | Description |
Active | Indicates whether or not the SnapEntity is locked. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
AnnotationRepository | Provides centralized access to all annotations present in a chart. |
Annotations | Provides access to the chart’s collection of annotations. |
AppearanceName | Gets or sets the appearance name currently used to draw the chart’s elements. |
AppearanceRepository | Provides access to the repository of a chart’s appearance presets. |
AutoLayout | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the adaptive layout feature is enabled for chart elements. |
BackColor | Gets or sets the chart’s background color. |
BackImage | Gets the chart’s background image settings. |
DataMember | Gets or sets a specific member in the data source which supplies data to the chart. |
DataSource | Gets or sets the chart’s data source. |
DataSourceName | Gets or sets the name of the chart’s data source. |
Diagram | Returns the chart’s diagram and provides access to its settings. |
Document | Provides access to a SnapDocument, to which the SnapEntity belongs. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
Field | Provides access to a Field associated with the SnapEntity. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
FillStyle | Gets the chart’s background fill style. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the chart. |
ImageType | Gets or sets the image format for a chart’s representation in a Print Preview form and exported document. |
IndicatorsPaletteName | Specifies the palette that is used to paint all indicators that exist in a chart. |
IndicatorsPaletteRepository | Gets the indicators palette repository of the chart. |
Legend | Returns the chart’s legend and provides access to its settings. |
Legends | Provides access to a collection of additional legends. |
PaletteBaseColorNumber | Gets or sets the number of a palette color that should be used as a base color for painting chart series. |
PaletteName | Gets or sets the name of the palette currently used to draw the chart’s series. |
PaletteRepository | Gets the palette repository of the chart. |
Series | Provides access to the chart’s collection of series objects. |
SeriesDataMember | Gets or sets the name of the data field whose values are used to automatically generate and populate chart series. |
SeriesNameTemplate | Provides access to options used to name data bound series. |
SeriesSorting | Gets or sets a value that specifies how series are sorted in the chart based upon the series names. |
SeriesTemplate | Provides access to the template settings for data bound series. |
Size | Gets or sets the size of the chart. |
SmallChartText | Gets settings for the text displayed in the SnapChart, when it’s too small to fit the diagram. |
SubDocument | Provides access to an object implementing the basic document functionality that is common for the header, footer and the main document body. Inherited from SnapEntity. |
Titles | Provides access to the collection of chart titles. |
UseExplicitSize | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart should keep its size unchangeable. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the chart. |
See Also