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PrintingLocalizer Class

Provides the means to localize the DXPrinting's user interface elements.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v14.2.dll


public class PrintingLocalizer :


The DXPrinting library allows you to localize the captions, dialogs and menus used at runtime (e.g. in Document Viewer), so that you can provide a completely native language interface to your end-users. DXPrinting runtime interface localization can be performed via the PrintingLocalizer object.

To localize the user interface, you must first create a PrintingLocalizer descendant. Then, override the DevExpress.Utils.Localization.XtraLocalizer<T>.GetLocalizedString method, to provide custom captions to interface elements.

Then, after the proper PrintingLocalizer descendant has been created, assign it to the DevExpress.Utils.Localization.XtraLocalizer<T>.Active property, so that it takes effect.

For more details on DXPrinting localization, see Localization.

See Also