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DashboardPdfExportOptions Class

In This Article

Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.


declare class DashboardPdfExportOptions


The ASPxClientDashboard.GetPdfExportOptions and ASPxClientDashboard.SetPdfExportOptions properties allow you to obtain and specify PDF-specific export options on the client side.

You can use the ASPxClientDashboard.ExportToPdf and ASPxClientDashboard.ExportDashboardItemToPdf methods to specify PDF options when exporting a dashboard/dashboard item using the following methods.


A use of ASPxClientDashboard API reduces flexibility when you configure the control. The DashboardControl underlies the ASPxClientDashboard object. The control provides access to all client settings and allows you to implement complex scenarios. We recommend that you use the DashboardControl API to configure the Web Dashboard on the client. More information: Client-Side Functionality.


#AutoFitPageCount Property

Gets or sets the number of horizontal/vertical pages that span the total width/height of a dashboard/dashboard item.


AutoFitPageCount: number

#Property Value

Type Description

An integer value that specifies the number of horizontal/vertical pages that span the total width/height of a dashboard/dashboard item.


The AutoFitPageCount property is in effect when the DashboardPdfExportOptions.ScaleMode property is set to DashboardExportScaleMode.AutoFitToPageWidth.

#CardAutoArrangeContent Property

Gets or sets whether cards within the Card dashboard item are automatically arranged on the exported page.


CardAutoArrangeContent: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to automatically arrange cards on the exported page; otherwise, false.

#ChartAutomaticPageLayout Property

Gets or sets whether the page orientation used to export the Chart dashboard item is selected automatically.


ChartAutomaticPageLayout: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to automatically select the page orientation used to export the Chart dashboard item; otherwise, false.


If the ChartAutomaticPageLayout property is set to true, it overrides the page orientation specified using the DashboardPdfExportOptions.PageLayout property.

#ChartSizeMode Property

Gets or sets the export size mode for the Chart dashboard item.


ChartSizeMode: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A ChartExportSizeMode value that specifies the export size mode for the Chart dashboard item.

#DashboardAutomaticPageLayout Property

Gets or sets whether the page orientation used to export a dashboard is selected automatically.


DashboardAutomaticPageLayout: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to automatically select the page orientation used to export a dashboard; otherwise, false.

#DashboardStatePosition Property

Gets or sets a position of the dashboard state (such as master filter or current parameter values) in the exported document.


DashboardStatePosition: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A DashboardStateExportPosition object that specifies the position of the dashboard state in the exported document.


To add a master state to the exported document, use the DashboardPdfExportOptions.ExportFilters property. To export current parameter values, enable the DashboardPdfExportOptions.ExportParameters flag.

#DocumentScaleMode Property

Gets or sets the mode for scaling a dashboard/dashboard item in the exported document.


DocumentScaleMode: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A DashboardExportDocumentScaleMode value that specifies the mode for scaling a dashboard/dashboard item in the exported document.


To change the size of the dashboard or split it into several pages, use the DocumentScaleMode property and specify the following export options depending on the selected mode:

Scale Mode Related Property Description
DashboardExportDocumentScaleMode.AutoFitToPagesWidth DashboardPdfExportOptions.AutoFitPageCount Splits the dashboard into multiple pages and aligns it.
DashboardExportDocumentScaleMode.UseScaleFactor DashboardPdfExportOptions.ScaleFactor Scales the dashboard.
DashboardExportDocumentScaleMode.None n/a The dashboard size is fixed, and other dashboard scaling settings are not in effect.

#ExportFilters Property

Gets or sets whether to add the state of master filter items to the exported document.


ExportFilters: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to add the state of master filter items to the exported document; otherwise, false.


To specify a position of the dashboard state (that includes the state of master filter items), use the DashboardPdfExportOptions.DashboardStatePosition property.

See Also

#ExportParameters Property

Gets or sets whether to add current parameter values to the exported document.


ExportParameters: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to add current parameter values to the exported document; otherwise, false.


To specify the position of the dashboard state (including current parameter values), use the DashboardPdfExportOptions.DashboardStatePosition property.

See Also

#FontInfo Property

Provides access to the font settings of the exported document.


FontInfo: ExportFontInfo

#Property Value

Type Description

A ExportFontInfo object containing the font settings of the exported document.

#GaugeAutoArrangeContent Property

Gets or sets whether gauges within the Gauge dashboard item are automatically arranged on the exported page.


GaugeAutoArrangeContent: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to arrange gauges automatically on the exported page; otherwise, false.

#GridFitToPageWidth Property

Gets or sets whether the size of the Grid dashboard item is changed according to the width of the exported page.


GridFitToPageWidth: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to change the size of the Grid dashboard item according to the width of the exported page; otherwise, false.

#GridPrintHeadersOnEveryPage Property

Gets or sets whether to add column headers of the Grid dashboard item to every page.


GridPrintHeadersOnEveryPage: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to add column headers to every page; otherwise, false.

#IncludeHiddenParameters Property

Gets or sets whether to add current values of a hidden parameter to the exported document.


IncludeHiddenParameters: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to add current values of a hidden parameter to the exported document; otherwise, false.


Note that the IncludeHiddenParameters property requires enabling the DashboardPdfExportOptions.ExportParameters property.

#MapAutomaticPageLayout Property

Gets or sets whether the page orientation used to export the Map dashboard item is selected automatically.


MapAutomaticPageLayout: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to automatically select the page orientation used to export the Map dashboard item; otherwise, false.

#MapSizeMode Property

Gets or sets the export size mode for the Map dashboard item.


MapSizeMode: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A MapExportSizeMode value that specifies the export size mode for the Map dashboard item.

#PageLayout Property

Gets or sets the page orientation used to export a dashboard/dashboard item.


PageLayout: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A DashboardExportPageLayout value that specifies the page orientation used to export a dashboard/dashboard item.


Note that specific dashboard items allow you to specify the page orientation as well. For instance, for the Chart dashboard item, you can specify the DashboardPdfExportOptions.ChartAutomaticPageLayout property that can override the value specified using PageLayout.

#PaperKind Property

Gets or sets the type of paper for the exported document.


PaperKind: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A DashboardExportPaperKind value that specifies the type of paper for the exported document.

#PieAutoArrangeContent Property

Gets or sets whether pies within the Pie dashboard item are automatically arranged on the exported page.


PieAutoArrangeContent: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to arrange pies automatically on the exported page; otherwise, false.

#PivotPrintHeadersOnEveryPage Property

Gets or sets whether to add column headers of the Pivot dashboard item to every page.


PivotPrintHeadersOnEveryPage: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to add column headers to every page; otherwise, false.

#RangeFilterAutomaticPageLayout Property

Gets or sets whether the page orientation used to export the Range Filter dashboard item is selected automatically.


RangeFilterAutomaticPageLayout: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to automatically select the page orientation used to export the Range Filter dashboard item; otherwise, false.


If the RangeFilterAutomaticPageLayout property is set to true, it overrides the page orientation specified using the DashboardPdfExportOptions.PageLayout property.

#RangeFilterSizeMode Property

Gets or sets the export size mode for the Range Filter dashboard item.


RangeFilterSizeMode: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A RangeFilterExportSizeMode value that specifies the export size mode for the Range Filter dashboard item.

#ScaleFactor Property

Gets or sets the scale factor (in fractions of 1), by which a dashboard/dashboard item is scaled in the exported document.


ScaleFactor: number

#Property Value

Type Description

A Single value that specifies the scale factor by which a dashboard/dashboard item is scaled in the exported document.


The ScaleFactor property is in effect when the DashboardPdfExportOptions.DocumentScaleMode property is set to DashboardExportDocumentScaleMode.UseScaleFactor.

#ScaleMode Property

Obsolete. Gets or sets the mode for scaling a dashboard/dashboard item in the exported document.


ScaleMode: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A DashboardExportScaleMode value that specifies the mode for scaling a dashboard/dashboard item in the exported document.


To change the size of the dashboard or split it into several pages, specify the ScaleMode property. Then specify the following export options depending on the selected mode.

Scale Mode Related Property Description
DashboardExportScaleMode.AutoFitToPageWidth DashboardPdfExportOptions.AutoFitPageCount Splits the dashboard into multiple pages and aligns it.
DashboardExportScaleMode.UseScaleFactor DashboardPdfExportOptions.ScaleFactor Scales the dashboard.
DashboardExportScaleMode.AutoFitWithinOnePage n/a Changes the dashboard size to fit its content on a single page.
DashboardExportScaleMode.None n/a The dashboard size is fixed, and other dashboard scaling settings are not in effect.

#ShowTitle Property

Gets or sets whether a dashboard title (or dashboard item’s caption) is included as the exported document title.


ShowTitle: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

A boolean value that specifies whether a dashboard title (or dashboard item’s caption) is included as the exported document title.

See Also

#Title Property

Gets or sets the title of the exported document.


Title: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that specifies the title of the exported document.

See Also

#TreemapAutomaticPageLayout Property

Gets or sets whether the page orientation used to export the Treemap dashboard item is selected automatically.


TreemapAutomaticPageLayout: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true, to automatically select the page orientation used to export the Treemap dashboard item; otherwise, false.


If the TreemapAutomaticPageLayout property is set to true, it overrides the page orientation specified using the DashboardPdfExportOptions.PageLayout property.

#TreemapSizeMode Property

Gets or sets the export size mode for the Treemap dashboard item.


TreemapSizeMode: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A TreemapExportSizeMode value that specifies the export size mode for the Treemap dashboard item.