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ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs Class

Provides data for the ASPxClientDashboard.ItemElementCustomColor event.


declare class ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs extends ASPxClientEventArgs


The ASPxClientDashboard.ItemElementCustomColor event allows you to color the required dashboard item elements (for instance, chart series points, pie segments) using the specified colors. The ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs class exposes the following settings that allow you to color the required element.


By default, the Chart dashboard item colors lines (or fills areas) for the Line/Area series types using the color of the first series point. For these lines/areas, the ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs.GetTargetElement method returns a tuple that does not contain the axis point on the DashboardDataAxisNames.ChartArgumentAxis.


A use of ASPxClientDashboard API reduces flexibility when you configure the control. The DashboardControl underlies the ASPxClientDashboard object. The control provides access to all client settings and allows you to implement complex scenarios. We recommend that you use the DashboardControl API to configure the Web Dashboard on the client. More information: Client-Side Functionality.

#Inherited Members




#ItemName Property

Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.


ItemName: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that is the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.


#GetColor Method

Gets the color of the current dashboard item element.


GetColor(): string


Type Description

A String that is the color of the current dashboard item element.

#GetMeasures Method

Gets measures corresponding to the current dashboard item element.




Type Description

An array of ASPxClientDashboardItemDataMeasure objects that specify measures.

#GetTargetElement Method

Gets the axis point tuple that corresponds to the current dashboard item element.




Type Description

An ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple object that is the axis point tuple.

#SetColor(color) Method

Sets the color of the current dashboard item element.


    color: string
): void


Name Type Description
color string

A String that specifies the color of the current dashboard item element.


To specify the required dashboard item element, use the ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs.GetTargetElement and ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs.GetMeasures methods.

This method supports the following colors:

  • hexadecimal colors;
  • RGB colors;
  • RGBA colors (not supported in Internet Explorer 8);
  • predefined/cross-browser color names;
  • predefined SVG colors (not supported in Internet Explorer 8).