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AppearanceImageHelper.CreateImage(ViewType, ChartAppearance, Palette, Int32, Bar3DModel) Method

Creates the specified series view type’s image.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraCharts

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Charts


public static Image CreateImage(
    ViewType viewType,
    ChartAppearance appearance,
    Palette palette,
    int colorIndex,
    Bar3DModel model


Name Type Description
viewType ViewType

The series view type that the helper uses to create the image.

appearance ChartAppearance

The chart appearance that the helper uses to create the image.

palette Palette

The palette that provides series colors.

colorIndex Int32

The color index in the palette. See ChartControl.PaletteBaseColorNumber for more information.

model Bar3DModel

The model that the 3D bar view uses. The viewType parameter should be ViewType.Bar3D.


Type Description

The image that shows the specified chart appearance.

See Also