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DxHtmlElementEventArgs Properties

Stores information about an HTML element with which a user has interacted.
Name Description
Bubbles Returns whether this element can pass an event up along the tree, to its parent HTML elements. You can enable the CancelBubble property to stop an event at this control level. See any “HtmlElementMouse~” event description for more details on bubbling (for example, WinExplorerView.HtmlElementMouseClick).
CancelBubble Specifies whether this element should pass an event to its parent elements. See any “HtmlElementMouse~” event description for more information about bubbling (for example, WinExplorerView.HtmlElementMouseClick).
ElementId Returns the unique identifier of an HTML element. Element IDs are set in HTML markup (the “id” property). See any “HtmlElementMouse~” event description for more information (for example, WinExplorerView.HtmlElementMouseClick).
SuppressOwnerEvent Specifies whether a control whose HTML element triggered this event should raise its own related event. See any “HtmlElementMouse~” event description for more information (for example, WinExplorerView.HtmlElementMouseClick).
See Also