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DxScheduler Events

A calendar and scheduler component that displays a detailed snapshot of events/appointments in your web application across a single day, a week, or a month.
Name Description
ActiveViewTypeChanged Fires after the active view is changed.
AppointmentCreated Fires after an appointment is created.
AppointmentCreating Fires before an appointment is created.
AppointmentDraggingBetweenResources Fires after a user drags an appointment to another resource group.
AppointmentFormClosed Fires after the appointment form is closed.
AppointmentFormClosing Fires before the appointment form is closed.
AppointmentFormShowing Fires before the appointment form is shown.
AppointmentFormShown Fires after an appointment form is shown.
AppointmentInserted Fires after a new appointment is added to the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentInserting Fires before a new appointment is added to the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentRemoved Fires after an appointment is removed from the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentRemoving Fires before an appointment is removed from the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentStartDragging Fires when a user starts dragging an appointment.
AppointmentStartResizing Fires when a user starts resizing an appointment.
AppointmentTooltipClosed Fires after an appointment tooltip is closed.
AppointmentTooltipClosing Fires before an appointment tooltip is closed.
AppointmentTooltipShowing Fires before an appointment tooltip is shown.
AppointmentTooltipShown Fires after an appointment tooltip is shown.
AppointmentUpdated Fires after an updated appointment is saved to the AppointmentsSource object.
AppointmentUpdating Fires before an updated appointment is saved to the AppointmentsSource object.
HtmlCellDecoration Allows you to customize the appearance of Scheduler cells.
SelectedAppointmentChanged Fires after the selected appointment is changed.
StartDateChanged Fires after the Scheduler start date is changed.
VisibleResourcesDataSourceChanged Occurs when the data source with visible resource objects changes.
See Also