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DevExpress.XamarinForms.Charts Namespace

Contains classes that implement the ChartView and PieChartView functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Charts.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Charts


Name Description
AreaSeries Displays data as filled areas on a chart, with each data point as a peak or hollow in this filled area.
AreaSeriesStyle Stores area series appearance settings.
AverageTrueRangeIndicator An average true range (ATR) indicator.
AxisBase The base class for Cartesian Chart’s axes.
AxisDisplayPositionAbsolute Anchors an axis to the specified point of the chart diagram.
AxisDisplayPositionBase The base class for classes that define an axis position within the chart diagram.
AxisDisplayPositionFar Positions an x-axis on the top side of the plot area, or a y-axis on the right.
AxisDisplayPositionNear Positions an x-axis on the bottom side of the plot area, and a y-axis on the left.
AxisDisplayPositionRelative Anchors an axis to the specified value of the other axis.
AxisHintOptions Stores settings that specify how the axis interacts with the crosshair cursor.
AxisLabel Stores axis label settings.
AxisLabelBase The base class for axis labels.
AxisLabelStyle Stores the appearance settings of axis labels.
AxisLayout Stores the axis layout settings.
AxisLogarithmicOptions Stores settings that configure the logarithmic scale for a numeric axis.
AxisStyle Stores axis appearance settings.
AxisTitle Stores axis title settings.
AxisX The base class for all X-axis (axis of arguments) types.
BarSeries Displays data as individual bars grouped by arguments, and each bar height is determined by the data value.
BarSeriesBase The base class for all bar series types.
BarSeriesLabel Stores bar series label settings.
BarSeriesLabelBase The base class for bar series labels.
BarSeriesStyle Stores bar series appearance settings.
BollingerBandsIndicator A Bollinger Bands indicator.
BollingerBandsIndicatorStyle Stores the appearance settings of the Bollinger Bands indicator.
BubbleSeries Displays three-dimensional data as a collection of bubbles, so that each bubble position visualizes the first two dimensions and the bubble size is the third dimension.
BubbleSeriesLabel Stores bubble series label settings.
BubbleSeriesStyle Stores bubble series appearance settings.
CalculatedSeries The base class for all series that calculate their values via another series data.
CalculatedSeriesDataAdapter Provides the data for the Calculated series.
CandleStickSeries Displays an Open-High-Low-Close typical financial series so that each data point consists of a vertical line indicating the price range over one unit of time and a rectangle showing the opening and closing prices for that time period.
CandleStickSeriesStyle Stores candlestick series appearance settings.
ChaikinsVolatilityIndicator A Chaikin’s volatility (CHV) indicator.
ChartBaseView The base class for all chart views.
ChartCollection<T> The base class for all collections within the Chart controls.
ChartStyle Stores the ChartView appearance settings.
ChartStyleBase The base class for all chart styles.
ChartView Visualizes data in the Cartesian coordinate system.
CommodityChannelIndexIndicator A commodity channel index (CCI) indicator.
ConstantLineBase The base class for constant lines.
ConstantLineStyle Stores constant line appearance settings.
ConstantLineTitle Stores constant line title settings.
CrosshairHintBehavior Defines the crosshair hint behavior.
CrosshairLabelPositionBase The base class for classes that define the position of a crosshair label.
CrosshairLineStyle Stores crosshair line appearance settings.
DataSourceAdapterBase Serves as the base class for data adapters that load data from data sources into the chart series.
DataSourceKey Provides access to an object that specifies an item of the data source to which the chart is bound.
DateTimeAxisX The X-axis the chart uses to display series that represent data sources with date-time arguments.
DateTimeConstantLine The vertical straight line that passes through the chart and indicates a date-time x-axis’s value.
DateTimeConstantLineCollection The collection of DateTimeConstantLine objects.
DateTimeStrip The highlighted area limited by two fixed values (minimal and maximal limits) of an axis, and is perpendicular to the axis.
DateTimeStripCollection The collection of DateTimeStrip objects.
DonutSeries Displays data as a pie chart with a hole in center.
EnvelopeIndicator A simple moving average envelope.
EnvelopeIndicatorStyle Stores the appearance settings of the moving average envelope indicator.
ExponentialMovingAverageIndicator An exponential moving average (EMA) indicator.
FinancialSeries The base class for the Candlestick and Stock series.
FinancialSeriesLabel Stores point label settings for the Candlestick and Stock series.
FullStackedAreaSeries Displays data as areas on a chart, so that each data point value is stacked with values of all the other corresponding data points and the total area is always the full area of the chart diagram.
FullStackedBarSeries Displays data as bars stacked by arguments, so that each stacked bar height is always the full height of the chart diagram and series values are displayed as percentages of a bar.
Hint Configures hints the the hints the ChartView displays.
HintBase The base class for ChartView and PieChartView hints.
HintBehavior The class used to define the hint behavior.
HintShownEventArgs Provides data for the ChartBaseView.HintShown event.
HintStyle Stores the appearance settings of chart hints.
HintStyleBase The base class for styles that configure the appearance of ChartView and PieChartView hints.
Legend Stores chart legend settings.
LegendStyle Stores legend appearance settings.
LineIndicatorStyle Stores appearance settings of the indicator line.
LineSeries Displays data as points connected by a line.
LineSeriesStyle Stores line series appearance settings.
LineTrackingCrosshairLabelPosition Defines the behavior of a crosshair label when it follows the crosshair cursor’s argument line.
MarkerSeriesLabel Stores point label settings for the Area, Line and Point series.
MarkerStyle Stores the appearance settings of data point markers for the Line, Point and Bubble series.
MassIndexIndicator A mass index indicator.
MedianPriceIndicator A median price indicator.
MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicator A moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) indicator.
MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicatorStyle Stores the appearance settings of the moving average convergence/divergence indicator.
MovingAverageIndicator A simple moving average (SMA) indicator.
NumericAxisX The X-axis the chart uses to display series that represent data sources with numeric arguments.
NumericAxisY The y-axis that uses numeric scale and represents values of series data points.
NumericConstantLine The vertical or horizontal straight line that passes through the chart and indicates a qualitative x- or y-axis’s value.
NumericConstantLineCollection The collection of NumericConstantLine objects.
NumericRange Stores range settings of NumericAxisX and NumericAxisY.
NumericStrip The highlighted area limited by two fixed values (minimal and maximal limits) of an axis, and is perpendicular to the axis.
NumericStripCollection The collection of NumericConstantLine objects.
PieCenterLabel The base class for a pie chart’s center labels.
PieCenterTextLabel Stores settings of the text label displayed in the center of the pie or doughnut chart.
PieCenterTextLabelStyle Stores the appearance settings of the pie chart’s center label.
PieChartStyle Stores the pie chart’s appearance settings.
PieChartView Visualizes data as a pie (circular) chart.
PieHint Stores appearance settings of pie chart hints.
PieHintStyle Stores the appearance settings of pie chart hints.
PieSeries Displays data as circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion.
PieSeriesCollection The collection of the PieChartView‘s series.
PieSeriesDataAdapter Provides the data for the PieChartView series.
PieSeriesHintOptions Stores the pie series’ hint settings.
PieSeriesLabel Stores pie series label settings.
PieSeriesLabelStyle Stores the pie series label appearance settings.
PieSeriesStyle Stores pie series appearance settings.
PointSeries Displays data as a collection of points.
PointSeriesStyle Stores point series appearance settings.
QualitativeConstantLine The vertical straight line that passes through the chart and indicates a qualitative x-axis’s value.
QualitativeConstantLineCollection The collection of QualitativeConstantLine objects.
QualitativeStrip The highlighted area limited by two fixed values (minimal and maximal limits) of an axis, and is perpendicular to the axis.
QualitativeStripCollection The collection of QualitativeStrip objects.
RangeAreaSeries Displays data as a filled area between two value sets.
RangeBarSeries Displays data as bars grouped by arguments. Each bar shows the range between two data values for each argument value.
RangeBarSeriesLabel Stores range bar series label settings.
RangeBase The base class for all ranges chart axes use.
RateOfChangeIndicator A rate of change (ROC) indicator.
RegressionLineIndicator A regression line indicator.
RelativeStrengthIndexIndicator A relative strength index (RSI) indicator.
ScatterLineSeries Displays data as a collection of points connected by a line, in the order they were indexed (opposite to LineSeries that automatically sorts all series points within the collection by their arguments).
SelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ChartBaseView.SelectionChanged event.
Series The base class for all series the ChartView displays.
SeriesBase The base class for all series within the Charts library.
SeriesCollection The collection of the ChartView‘s series.
SeriesCrosshairOptions Stores the series’ crosshair cursor settings.
SeriesDataAdapter Provides the data for the ChartView series.
SeriesHintOptions Stores the series’ tooltip settings.
SeriesHintOptionsBase The base class for all series hint options.
SeriesLabel The base class for all series labels.
SeriesLabelStyle Stores series label appearance settings.
SeriesLabelValuesBase The base class for all classes that store values of a series point that the chart uses to make series labels.
SeriesPointData Stores information about a data point and a series to which this point belongs.
SideBySideFullStackedBarSeries Displays data as bars stacked according to the StackedGroup property value and grouped by arguments.
SideBySideStackedBarSeries Displays data as bars stacked according to the StackedGroup property value and grouped by arguments.
StackedAreaSeries Displays data as areas on a chart, so that each data point value is aggregated with values of the underlying data points.
StackedBarSeries Displays data as bars stacked by arguments, so that each stacked bar height is determined by the total of all the series values for the argument.
StandardDeviationIndicator A standard deviation indicator.
StaticCrosshairLabelPosition Defines the fixed position for a crosshair label.
StepAreaSeries Displays data as filled areas on a chart, with data points connected by horizontal and vertical lines.
StepLineSeries Displays data as points connected by horizontal and vertical lines.
StockSeries Displays an Open-High-Low-Close typical financial series so that each data point consists of a vertical line indicating the price range over one unit of time, and the left and right tick marks showing the opening and closing prices for that time period, respectively.
StockSeriesStyle Stores stock series appearance settings.
StripAxisLabel Stores the strip’s axis label settings.
StripBase The base class for all strips the chart axes can display.
StyleBase The base class for styles of all chart elements.
StyledElement The base class for elements whose appearance can be configured.
TextElementStyleBase The base class for styles of elements that display text.
TextStyle Stores the text appearance settings.
TitleBase The base class for all titles that charts use.
TitleStyle Stores the title appearance settings.
TooltipHintBehavior Defines the tooltip behavior.
TriangularMovingAverageIndicator A triangular moving average (TMA) indicator.
TypicalPriceIndicator A typical price indicator.
ValueDataMember Provides the data for the series point values.
ValueDataMemberCollection Stores objects that specify data source fields that contain data for series point values.
WeightedCloseIndicator A weighted close indicator.
WeightedMovingAverageIndicator A weighted moving average (WMA) indicator.
WilliamsRIndicator A Williams %R indicator.


Name Description
ICalculatedSeriesData The interface should be implemented by an object that provides data for CalculatedSeries.
IPieSeriesData The interface should be implemented by an object that provide data for PieSeries.
IXYSeriesData The interface should be implemented by an object that provides data for Series.




Name Description
DataChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the DataChanged event.
HintHiddenEventHandler A method that will handle the HintHidden event.
HintShownEventHandler A method that will handle the HintShown event.
SelectionChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the SelectionChanged event.


Name Description
AxisLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of axis labels.
AxisPosition Lists values used to specify an axis position.
AxisTitleAlignment Lists values used to specify the alignment of the axis title relative to the axis.
BarSeriesLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of bar labels.
BubbleSeriesLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of labels relative to bubbles.
ChartTheme Lists values that specify chart themes.
ConstantLineTitleAlignment Lists values used to specify the alignment of the constant line title relative to the corresponding axis.
DefaultBoolean Lists values which specify the validity of a condition (indicates whether the condition is true or false).
FinancialSeriesLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of financial series labels.
HintShowMode Sets the action which causes the hint to show.
LabelPositionHorizontalAlignment Lists values that indicate the horizontal alignment of a crosshair Label.
LabelPositionVerticalAlignment Lists values that indicate the vertical alignment of a crosshair Label.
LegendHorizontalPosition Lists values used to specify the legend’s horizontal position relative to the chart diagram.
LegendOrientation Lists values used to specify the orientation of the legend.
LegendVerticalPosition Lists values used to specify the legend’s vertical position relative to the chart diagram.
PieSeriesLabelPosition Lists values that specify the position of pie slice labels relative to the pie diagram.
RangeBarSeriesLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the position of RangeBar series labels.
SelectionBehavior Lists values that specify how the selected slice of the pie series behaves.
SelectionKind Lists values used to specify an element that is selected when an end user taps a series’s point.
SelectionMode Lists values used to specify the chart element selection behavior.
ValueType Lists the types of values that specify the point values to be displayed in the series.