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GalleryItem.Value Property

Gets or sets the GalleryItem‘s value.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public virtual object Value { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An Object that is the GalleryItem‘s value.


The GalleryItem.Value property affects how a PopupGalleryEdit control’s edit value is formed when the RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.EditValueType property is set to CSV.

In CSV mode, the editor’s edit value is a string concatenating selected gallery item values (each gallery item value is converted to a string during concatenation). Gallery item values are separated in the result string by a specific separator (RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.SeparatorChar) and a space character.

To enable multiple item selection, see BaseGallery.ItemCheckMode.

To access selected items, use PopupGalleryEdit.CheckedItems or BaseGallery.GetCheckedItems.

See Also