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The Series manages data and its appearance on the chart. The following image represents several series on charts:

Pie and Lines

Note that, a chart’s series should be compatible with the chart type. Refer to the Pie Series and Cartesian Series guides for more information.

How to: Provide series data

All series interact with their data sources using Data interfaces. The following code snippets demonstrate how to implement one of them:

class GdpData implements NumericSeriesData {
    private List<Gdp> gdps = new ArrayList<>();

    public  GdpData(Gdp... points) { for (Gdp point : points) gdps.add(point); }

    public int getDataCount() { return gdps.size(); }

    public double getArgument(int i) { return gdps.get(i).getYear(); }

    public double getValue(int i) { return gdps.get(i).getProduct(); }

// ...
Series line = new LineSeries();
line.setData(new GdpData(gdps));
// ...


The series Data source type should be compatible with the axis type in the cartesian chart; otherwise series is not plotted on the chart. Refer to the Data guide to learn more.

The table below represents all symbols required to specify data.

Symbol Description
PieSeries.getData() Returns the Pie series‘s data.
PieSeries.setData(PieSeriesData) Specifies the Pie series‘s data.
PieSeriesData The interface that should be implemented by the data adapter providing data for pie series.
Series.getData() Returns the Cartesian series‘s data.
Series.setData(XYSeriesData) Specifies the Cartesian series‘s data.
QualitativeSeriesData The interface of a data source providing points for a Cartesian series, with a qualitative argument and a single numeric value.
WeightedQualitativeSeriesData The interface of a data source providing the Bubble series points that have qualitative arguments.
NumericSeriesData The interface of a data source providing points for a Cartesian series, with a numeric argument and a single numeric value.
WeightedNumericSeriesData The interface of a data source providing the Bubble series points that have numeric arguments.
DateTimeSeriesData The interface which a class that provides data points with date-time arguments should implement.
WeightedDateTimeSeriesData The interface of a data source providing the Bubble series points that have date-time arguments.
FinancialSeriesData A class that provides financial data points should implement this interface.

How to: Configure series point labels

Labels can accompany series points. Note that different series types have different label settings. The image below demonstrates a Line series’s customized point labels.

Customized line series labels

The following code snippet demonstrates how to configure a Point series point labels:

MarkerSeriesLabel label = new MarkerSeriesLabel();
label.setTextPattern("{A$tb}: {V$.0f}°C");
MarkerSeriesLabel label = new MarkerSeriesLabel();
label.SetVisible(new Java.Lang.Boolean(true));
label.TextPattern = "{A$tb}: {V$.0f}°C";
series.Label = label;

Use the setLabel method to define the settings that specifies the contents, position and appearance of series point labels.

In the code above, series label placeholders (A and V) specify a series point value that should be added to the label. The following label placeholders are available:

Placeholder Description
{S} Displays a series name.
{A} Displays a series point argument.
{L} Displays a pie series point label.
{V} Displays a series point value.
{VP} Displays a series point value as percentages.
{W} Displays a Bubble series point weight.
{O} Displays a financial series point open value.
{H} Displays a financial series point high value.
{L} Displays a financial series point low value.
{C} Displays a financial series point close value.
{HV} Displays a range bar series point max value.
{LV} Displays a range bar series point min value.


These values can be formatted using default format strings after the $ sign. For example, in the {VP$#.##} string, VP is a placeholder, $ is a format string separator, and #.## is a format string.

How to: Customize appearance of series

A series’ appearance parameters depend on the series type. The following image demonstrates customizable appearance parameters:

Line and Pie chart

Each series has style parameters, available using the getStyle, setStyle methods. Refer to the required series type reference for more information.

Series type Series style type
PieSeries PieSeriesStyle
DonutSeries PieSeriesStyle
AreaSeries AreaSeriesStyle
StackedAreaSeries AreaSeriesStyle
FullStackedAreaSeries AreaSeriesStyle
StepAreaSeries AreaSeriesStyle
BarSeries BarSeriesStyle
StackedBarSeries BarSeriesStyle
FullStackedBarSeries BarSeriesStyle
FullStackedBarSeries BarSeriesStyle
FullStackedBarSeries BarSeriesStyle
PointSeries PointSeriesStyle
BubbleSeries BubbleSeriesStyle
LineSeries LineSeriesStyle
StepLineSeries LineSeriesStyle
ScatterLineSeries LineSeriesStyle
CandleStickSeries CandleStickSeriesStyle
StockSeries StockSeriesStyle