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AxisLabelScientificNotation Class

Converts axis label numbers to scientific notation.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Charts.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Charts


public class AxisLabelScientificNotation :


If axis labels display very large or very small numbers that take up a large amount of space, you can use scientific or engineering notation to display these numbers.

In scientific notation, a number is displayed as m×10ⁿ, where the coefficient m is any real number, and the exponent n is an integer. The following scientific notations are supported:

  • Normalized - the exponent n is selected so that the coefficient m is at least 1 but less than 10.
  • E - ×10 is replaced with E.
  • Logarithmic - bases other than 10 can be used (for example, m×2ⁿ).

Normalized and E Notations

  1. Assign an AxisLabelScientificNotation object to the LabelValueNotation property of a numeric axis object.
  2. Set the AxisLabel.TextFormat property to “#E+0”.
  3. Set the AxisLabelScientificNotation.ScientificNotation property to the Normalized (default) or E value.

This example shows how to convert numbers that Y-axis labels display to normalized notation.

ScientificNotation - Normalized

        <!-- Series data. -->

                <dxc:AxisLabel TextFormat="#E+0"/>
            <!-- Other settings of the Y-axis. -->

        <!-- The X-axis settings. -->

Logarithmic Notation

  1. Assign an AxisLabelScientificNotation object to the LabelValueNotation property of a numeric axis object.
  2. Set the AxisLabelScientificNotation.ScientificNotation property to Logarithmic.

This example shows how to apply logarithmic notation to labels of an X-axis that uses the logarithmic scale to display numeric values. This notation uses powers of a base that the AxisLogarithmicOptions.Base property defines (10, in this example).

ScientificNotation - Logarithmic

<dxc:ChartView >
        <!-- Series data. -->

                <dxc:AxisLogarithmicOptions Enabled="True" Base="10"/>
                <dxc:AxisLabelScientificNotation ScientificNotation="Logarithmic"/>
                <dxc:AxisLabel TextFormat="# Hz"/>
            <!-- Other settings of the X-axis. -->

                <dxc:AxisLogarithmicOptions Enabled="True" Base="10"/>
                <dxc:NumericRange SideMargin="0" Min="0.01" Max="100"/>
            <!-- Other settings of the Y-axis -->


See Also