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Appearance Customization

  • 2 minutes to read

Our DevExpress Grid for Blazor allows you to customize cell content and UI element appearance. This topic lists available options.

Styles and Attributes

Like other Blazor components, the Grid supports custom CSS classes. For some Grid elements, you can assign classes directly:

Grid Element Property
DxGrid CssClass
PopupEditForm PopupEditFormCssClass
DxEditSettings CssClass
DxEditorButton CssClass
DxDropDownEditSettings DropDownCssClass
DxDropDownEditSettings DropDownBodyCssClass

To customize other elements, handle the CustomizeElement event. In the event handler, you can implement any conditions of how custom styles are applied to specific components.

Conditional Formatting

You can also handle the CustomizeElement event to show a context menu or implement drag and drop functionality. Refer to the following examples for implementation details and sample code:


Grid templates are RenderFragment<TValue> properties. They replace default content area rendering and allow you to arrange custom content in various Grid elements.

Templated Content in Blazor Grid

For more information, see the following topic: Templates in Blazor Grid.

Display Text

The Grid component creates element content based on the specified data source. You can customize how the component displays text content in data cells, column headers, group rows, and summaries. The display text can affect element appearance and data shaping operations.

Custom summary text

For more information, see the following topic: Display Text in Blazor Grid.