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Caption Bar Items

You can display static labels, buttons or any other bar items in a RibbonForm‘s caption (title) bar.

Ribbon Caption Bar Item

Add Commands to the Caption Bar

At design time, the RibbonForm displays the Add Item button in the caption bar. This button allows you to select a bar item and add it to the caption bar.

Ribbon Caption Bar Item Design Time

You can also use the CaptionBarItemLinks collection to add bar items to the caption bar in code.

BarButtonItem barButtonItem2 = new DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem();
barButtonItem2.Caption = "Sign in";
barButtonItem2.Hint = "Not signed in";
barButtonItem2.ImageOptions.ImageUri.Uri = "business%20objects/bo_employee";


Customize Caption Bar Items

Use the created bar item’s smart tag menu to specify the icon, tooltip, and caption.

Ribbon Caption Bar Item Smart Tag Menu

You should enable the ShowItemCaptionsInCaptionBar option to display the bar item’s caption.

Ribbon Title Bar Item Caption