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IAsyncCommand Methods

An interface that specifies an asynchronous command.
Name Description
Cancel() Creates a request to cancel the command execution.
Cancel(Boolean) Creates a request to cancel the command execution.
CancelAfter(Int32) Creates a request to cancel the command execution after the specified number of milliseconds.
CancelAfter(TimeSpan) Creates a request to cancel the command execution after the specified time span.
CanExecute(Object) Defines the method that determines whether the command can execute in its current state. Inherited from ICommand.
Execute(Object) Defines the method to be called when the command is invoked. Inherited from ICommand.
ExecuteAsync(Object) Defines the asynchronous method to be called when the command is invoked.
RaiseCanExecuteChanged() Raises the CanExecuteChanged event. You can use this method to notify a visual element about a command’s CanExecute(T) state changes. Inherited from IDelegateCommand.
See Also